Rainier Lamers

Well Known Member
The following systems have updates:

Odyssey/Voyager G2 version
Enigma version

The above EFIS systems have updates for both binaries as well as simulators.
Main updates center around addition of voice/sound support for autopilot operations which include prompting for power changes during ascent and descent, for example: "Ascent, ascent, increase power".
A premade EFIS sound file is available for download from the update pages.

Both simulators now support sound playback. The WAV files come from the Enigma sound application and are located in the /WAV folder under the location where you installed the simulator.

New version of the Enigma Sound application (download from the EFIS tools page). This includes the newly added sounds for autopilot support. Please note that this version uses recorded WAV files to create the EFIS sound file so you can easily use any sound file as source. Please note that the sound must be recorded in 8 bit format, 8Khz sample rate and must be mono. If required use any of the many free conversion utilities.
