
Well Known Member
By looking at my collection of crimpers and strippers, one could say I have enough. But that was not so, to do the D-Sub pins, none of them would do it well enough to suit me. I then bought a new one from Stein, and it does the job quite professionally. Price was not bad either!


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Tools? Enough already?

I'm sorry. I don't understand. You're using these terms in ways I've never considered before. Would you please clarify?


He who dies with the most tools DOES WIN!!!

One of my therims for life. Don't even bother to debate that one with me. Wish that I had more $$$ so that I cold buy more 'correct tools for the job".:cool:
Lots of tools? Here's the deal, Don - take it from an Expert:

First - one of those little devils decides to "go missing."
Next - you start searching for it - they hide pretty good.
Next - you waste ungodly numbers of hours and then days looking for the, rascal.

Finally, after spending a ridiculous amount of time looking, you give in - and go out and buy a new one.

At that point, the first little bugger comes out of hiding.

Than the cycle repeats. They talk to each other.

Eventually, you wind up with pretty decent multiple sets of tools.

Bob Bogash
Yeah, that seems to be the way it goes. I have spent most of the day looking for my several rolls of safety wire (need it on the rear end of the rudder cables).Not here, not in the hangar, been thru everything twice or three times. Got the wire twister, but those wires have gone into hiding. I bet I find them before Aircraft Spruce gets me some more .
Well you lose on this one Bob, look what I found in my flight bag this morning! Laying awake worrying about it last night, something told me to look in that bag - and there it was. I had not even sent off the order yet!
Bet 'ya don't. If you do, you ain't playng by "the Rules"'......

Bob B.