
Hi all,

I am a soon to be new builder of a RV-10. Just wondering what advise I can get for buying one of the many RV tool kits that are available? I don't need the best tools money can buy, but then I don't mind spending a buck if it will improve the quality of build and or make things less difficult.

I do my own motorcycle mechanical/fabrication work so have a pretty good selection of air tools, compressor, grinder, drill press, small mig welder... but it looks like my best bet would still be a kit as there doesn't seem to be a lot of "tool overlap".

Hi Leo,

I bought a kit from Brown Tools. It proved to be a good selection of tools at an economical price. I've been adding to the tool kit steadily as I've been working on my 14, but a basic kit got me going.

There's a few builders out at Cooking Lake, if you want to see some gear first hand and ask questions. Send me a PM and I'll forward along some contact info.
I bought a kit from ATS and really wish I would have spent the extra money with Cleaveland. All of my tools come from them now if I can help it!