A small bit of advice if you're building a 9 instead of a 9A,,,,Don't fit the lower rudder fiberglass cap until you mount the empenage and rudder on the plane,,,it hits the tail wheel spring and must be cut to fit and clear the spring. I did just that and luckily I had to cut enough off of the cap to eliminate the holes I had already drilled into it.
Isham tool kit

I bought an Isham tool kit back in Feb_08. Since then I have ordered a back rivot plate (I don't know why it is not included in the kit) and had to replace the back rivoting tool because the little pin breaks. Consider replacing the back rivot tool with the all metal and narrower back rivot tool. Its a little more expensive but its worth it.

I am quite pleased with the DRDT2 dimpler.

Give Isham a call. The people at Isham are great when it comes to customer service.

Just purchased a full tool kit from Isham.........Any thoughts???

If you got the pneumatic squeeze, get a 4" no hole yoke. This yoke is, IMHO, necessary for riveting the narrow spaces on the ribs of the control surfaces.

I don't know what all cmes with the tool kit from Isham but you can bet there are othe things you will "need" before you finish the plane.

Good luck with your project - it's all FUN!
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