
Well Known Member
Hello RV-10ers. It's looking like I'm going to soon be getting into the land of RV-10 ownership. Starting a family and so we're needing to get an upgrade from my RV-8 and her 6A. Having done nearly all the work and conditionals on these two planes for over 6 years now I am very familiar with the fixed pitch, 4 cyl, two seat Vans models. I will be new to working with C/S and a 540, as well as the 10 in general.

Some initial questions I have in regards to RV-10s:

1. What things should I pay special attention to 10 specific, when reviewing the plane for purchase?

2. Does anyone have a good RV-10 conditional checklist they could send me? IO-540 inspection checklist?

3. Any other insight on the 10 that I should know of that wouldn't be obvious?

Thank you all!



Welcome to the world of RV-10 ownership. I'm surprised that no one has responded to your post yet!

The RV-10 isn't that much different from the rest of the RV line, so you should be able to use the same basic condition inspection check-list for the 10 as you have for 6A or 8. And the Lycoming IO-540 is not much different from an IO-360, just a couple of extra cylinders. You will have an added prop governor for the constant speed prop, and the prop will have a TBO (requirements vary by prop mfg.) and removing/installing a constant speed prop takes longer due to the captured mounting bolts.

The RV-10's door closure has been a source of problems, so I would look at the latches. In my opinion, the best solution is an aftermarket door latch such as the Plane Around 180, which has an additional center cam latch system. Van's also provides an "add-on" latch that is similar to the secondary latch on your car hood, which also provides additional protection. So I would look for either of these, and if not present I suggest you plan on installing one of them soon after acquiring your new bird. Also, suggest you make sure the door closed magnetic switches are installed, properly set and working so that you get a warning if any of the latch pins are not in place for take-off. And be sure you check that both front and rear latch pins are in place as part of your pre-takeoff checklist, as it is easy to think the door is closed but have rear latch pin extending outside of the fuselage instead of in the proper position. (With the latch pin outside, the door will most likely open on takeoff and then depart the aircraft. If that should happen, let it go and fly the plane - trying to grab the door and secure it has caused more than one LOC accident!)

Not trying to scare you with the above info about the doors. So long as you are aware and ensure they are securely latched, they won't be an issue. I love my RV-10 and am not afraid of the doors, I just respect that as a part of the checklist.

Since you are living in Lemoore, you might want to consider an RV-10 with air conditioning. If the one you are buying doesn't have it, it can be added later, but the installation is much easier to do while building.

Any specific questions, feel free to send me a PM and I'll do my best to provide opinions/answers.

I think the other posters have hit the important things. I do think the Plane around door latch is a nice backup (but really a poor excuse for a PIC failure - a ‘latch pin outside the airframe’ is easily detected, but the PIC has to contort a bit to look at both doors, fore and aft. Looking in all four places should be on your runup check list.) IMHO the Vans secondary latch is junk. Also as mentioned look for cracks in the aft spar, and nose gear fittings, as per the Vans SB’s. Although I don’t think there have been many found.
One thing not mentioned: check the empty cg. Many -10’s find themselves load limited not by weight but by cg. Everything (passengers, bags) moves cg aft, so an ideal empty cg, in terms of max load, is to have the cg just aft of the forward limit, with just you in the airplane. If it’s even a bit too forward, you can carry 30 lbs of water in the baggage area; pour the water out with passengers. But if the cg starts out further aft, there’s little you can do other than putting baggage on your lap or under your legs. Note some air condx systems add weight in the tail, so check.
Browse around Tim's website:
Lots of good info there. I'm also using Tim's condition inspection checklist with some minor modifications.

Like the guys above said, check the door locking mechanism. The standard stuff isn't very good. Sean at Planearound sells a great aftermarket kit for the doors.
Check the brakes, there are some -10s with Cleveland brakes, some with Matco, Grove, and probably even Beringer. Make sure you have viton orings in the calipers and high temp fluid (Royco 782) in the system.
Check that service bulletins have been complied with on the tailcone reinforcement, aileron brackets and nose gear.
If you buy one with AC check that the compressor belt isn't being bent backwards by the idler pulley (or it will break belts often), and preferably it uses a serpentine belt not a V-belt.
Make sure the fuel system is per plans. You can buy a full set of plans from Van's on a USB stick for $10.
If it has dual electronic ignition or full EFI make sure the electrical system is solid and well thought out.
Get a detailed electrical diagram when you buy the plane.
Check that the static ports aren't painted over. :D, not even a kidding, a friend of mine saw that a few months ago on a -10.

Not very active lately, but tons of good RV-10 info archived over on the Matronics forum too.

There's a great RV-10 gathering at OSH on Sunday night before the show. Come and hang out!

Here is a condition inspection checklist

Here is a good write up on the top 10 must fixes

Some additional items to look out for:
Hot tunnel
Nose wheel shimmy
Full up and down elevator without the stick hitting the panel or push pull cables

Also review Vans service bulletins and notifications & letters for the 10.

Both links are the same, would you mind posting the fixed list again please.


Thank you for the input and information! This is a big help. As stated, my cursory look over it so far and starting to pull some panels, it looks to be pretty standard Vans in regard to build and servicing apart from the items you all mentioned. Going to go through the annual and take a bunch of photos and follow this up with a findings/questions post to see if any of you savvy RV-10'ers spot anything that I don't.

Thanks all!


Off topic, but love your Hornet videos. Dubfighter was amazing and a common video at RCAF CF-18 roll calls.
