Hello everyone. I am new to the forum and this is my first post. I am from eastern Iowa, I farm and have an excavating business, I am 59, received my pilots license six years ago, and fly/own a 172M. I believe in goodness, I believe in doing the right thing, and I believe in working hard to make the world a better place. I also believe I want to build an RV! I am unsure of which model, however I am leaning towards the 14. I would like to here the thoughts of others who have flown or owned the 14, especially as compared to the other models. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Rick.
Welcome to VAF

Hello everyone. I am new to the forum and this is my first post.

Rick, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

As to selecting the model you want-----first define your mission,-----then work backwards from the mission you will be flying.

You've come to the right place.

As others will tell you, realistically think about how you'll use the plane and what you want out of it. Family hauler? Burger runs? A few loopty-loops? Then the plane will almost pick itself.

We have an EAA chapter in Cedar Rapids. I'm on RV-10 wings, a friend has a -10 with engine and avionics in. A co-worker just picked up his -14 empenange this weekend. There are many more builders in the area. I can show you around my build if your ever in town.
Welcome! Good advice above. Also give careful thought as to whether you are a "builder" who is willing to develop the skills, put in the time and money, and enjoy the journey of building your own aircraft. If you really just want to fly, there are numerous planes out there that will get you in the air more quickly and more cheaply than building your own. I am fortunate in that I both enjoy building and flying the finished product. Any Van's Aircraft design is a great choice!
RV-14 !!!

I dreamed, prob'ed around in the background at VAF for years. I have been to many airshows over the years (for my job) and decided the only way to go is the RV-14. At Oshkosh, Vans will take you for a short ride, so I went for the ride. I was sold! Welcome aboard! And if you come to the same conclusion I would be pleased to pass on what I have learned just a few steps before you. Just PM me,
Welcome, Rick. I?m a farmer, too. I?m from the Galesburg area. I had a hard time deciding which model and ultimately visited Van?s in Oregon. As others have said, define the mission. I?m flying recreationally and to scout crops. So I decided on the 12 since it?s slower and economical, the vision is great being that you can see down in front of the wing, it?s probably easier and faster to build, and it?s Light Sport capable. I?m a member of the EAA chapter in the Quad Cities. They meet the 1st Sat. for coffee and the 2nd Sat. evening for meetings. You?re welcome anytime. Good luck!
Good choice going RV

I moved to an RV after owning and flying a Warrior for a number of years. You're going to love the upgrade. :)

People here, me among them, love to debate which model is best for which mission. You can learn a lot from the debates. But honestly I don't think you can go far wrong. I bought a used RV-9A and love it but I'm pretty sure I'd be as happy with any of the other side-by-sides. The differences among RVs pale in comparison to the differences between RVs and 172s/Warriors/etc.

I also suspect I'd love any of the tandems - and in fact I think the -8 taildragger is hands-down the best looking RV (donning my asbestos flight suit.....). But side-by-side was the one requirement of my Significant Other, who is an enthusiastic flier. So that was easy to agree to. :)

Good luck!

Hello everyone. I am new to the forum and this is my first post. I am from eastern Iowa, I farm and have an excavating business, I am 59, received my pilots license six years ago, and fly/own a 172M. I believe in goodness, I believe in doing the right thing, and I believe in working hard to make the world a better place. I also believe I want to build an RV! I am unsure of which model, however I am leaning towards the 14. I would like to here the thoughts of others who have flown or owned the 14, especially as compared to the other models. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Rick.
Have you gone for a ride in an RV yet? Like others wrote, determine the airplane's mission, but then, see if you can get a hop in the type you think you want to build. A demo at Van's would be great, but there may be someone closer.

I know I was sold on the -7 within 30 seconds of liftoff.

Anyway, welcome to VAF!