

I'd like to meet up with local pilots to learn more about RV's. San Diego area. Are you out there? Any suggestions on finding them?

I'm a new pilot with a background in soaring. I've been keen on owning a Long-EZE yet having taken a good look at the RVs and I find them to be pretty versatile! Fast-Slow; baggage; side-by-side...

Thank you very much!

Hello Ralph,

Where are you located? There are RVers to be found all over San Diego county. I'm located at Ramona Airport just finishing up an RV-9A. There is also a 7A under construction on the field. In addition, we have a flying 7, 8A, 6A, and a few 4's also located on the field with an 8 ready to fly only waiting for it's pilot to complete transition training. If you're in North County we would be glad to have you drop by and ask questions or just look. Be carefull though, if you stick around too long you my find yourself building one of these things sooner than you think.
The vast majority of RV's seem to be based out of SEE (Gillespie) and Ramona (KNRM). We have quite a few in our local EAA chapter also (Chapter 14) based out of Brown Field (SDM) - all of the RV's fly in from other airfields with the exception of an RV3 and a 4 being built. We usually have a few RV's show up at our monthly meetings that you can get a good look at - which luck would have it, is this weekend on Saturday.
So consider this an open invitation to come on down - we are right below the new tower (not the abandoned one on the way in) - meeting starts at 10am - come early and have breakfast - stay after and have lunch.
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RV-8 Moving to KMYF or KSEE...

I'm also curious about the RV'ers in the San Diego area... My RV-8 and I are moving out there this summer and we are both currently seeking a home. I think I might be able to find a place, but the RV hasn't yet been so lucky. The two airports I'm currently looking at are Montgomery and Gillespie. Any local pilot's thoughts on operating from either airport would be most helpful. Also, anyone with room enough for an RV-8 in their hangar and interested in sharing the rent would be most welcome! Time frame is late July to early August for our arrival! I would really like to get to know some fellow RV'ers to go fly with!!
[email protected]
N880JT / Flying RV-8
Sharing is going to be the way to go if you can find it - Montgomery is tough - because of the central location they can charge as much for a tie down space as most airports get for a hanger. This is why I think that most experimentals end up out at Gillespie - the northeast end of the field is a EAA'rs dream. If I had my druthers though I'd want to base out of Ramona, but it's 45 minutes to get there from my house as opposed to 20 minutes down to Brown Field (I can be at Montgomery in 10 and Gillespie in 30). Our EAA chapter just got the lease extended down at Brown - along with several acres of new property, so new hangers will be going up. When the time comes I hope to be down there. Being inland, Ramona cant be beat for clear weather days though - you'll have to get used to our May Gray and June Gloom conditions here that prevent VFR most days during those months along the coast, but it does get in the 100's out in Ramona also... but it's not humid heat like you get out on the right hand coast.
Hey Bill,

A buddy and I are both building RV7s in my garage in Kearny Mesa, near Montgomery Field. Are there any hangers for rent out in Ramona?


I don't have the current status of open hangers (they come and go VERY quickly) but try calling the following FBOs. At least get your name on the lists as sometimes people already on the list ar no longer ready or need a hanger. You may be lucky?

Chuck Hall Aviation 760 789 1398
Cruiseair Aviation 760 789 8020
Pacific Executive Avi 760 789 6384

Hope this helps

Dancer said:
Hey Bill,

A buddy and I are both building RV7s in my garage in Kearny Mesa, near Montgomery Field. Are there any hangers for rent out in Ramona?

Dancer said:
Hello Kai,

Any time table on when those new hangers will be built at Brown Field?


Down payment on the first set of hangers has been placed (4 bays) - engineering drawings are in hand - now we're getting permits. I was down with a hammer drill drilling exploration holes in the proposed location to see how thick the foundation is (they are going in on an abandoned taxiway) First set will probably go in by August and are already spoken for by the active chapter members. after a few months of rent we'll buy another set and put those in right next door. Plan is to repeat the exercise four times to fill out the available space as finances allow.

On edit - You are building TWO 7's in one garage? That I'd like to see! PM me some time when you are available for a tour ;) You both are also invited to Brown this weekend for the Chapter 14 meeting - look me up.
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Thanks for the info.
My buddy Jim is already a member of the EAA chapter down there, hoping to get on the list for a new hanger.

The garage isn't much to see since we are early in the process. I am working on the empennage and he has his completed empennage stored in his house and working on the 1st wing in my garage. But when my QB wings and fuselage arrive we'll need to relocate to a hanger. I live close to MYF but I doubt we can find or afford a hanger there, so we will look for something at Brown Field or Ramona.

BTW Kai,

I screwed up part of my horizontal stabilizer. Is there a DAR down there at Brown Field that is familiar with RVs that I can email a photo to for some advice?

Don't forget Fallbrook

This may be too far north of greater San Diego, but there are about 10 RVs and some budding Rockets at L18. The runway is 2100' and I believe one of the shortest around in GA. We kinda like it that way. Not many pieces of big iron here and a very nice place to hang out. Not many too cool for school "Pilots". Lot's of new hangers were just built over the past three years and many are for sale or for rent (I have one of each). Come by and check it out. Even has a GPS approach.
Thanks for all of the info & local perspective. Gillespie is probably going to end up being the most convienient for me- Great to hear the EAA'ers dream part!

It sounds like the EAA'ers at Brown are quite motivated with their hangar projects! Any such motivation at Gillespie!?!? Wanted: Hangar to share!!!

Fallbrook also sounds great, but it's a bit far for me. I'll certainly make the flight to go check it out though! Any other local treasures (airports) in the SoCal area?
RV-8 in need of paint
Dancer said:
BTW Kai,

I screwed up part of my horizontal stabilizer. Is there a DAR down there at Brown Field that is familiar with RVs that I can email a photo to for some advice?


You know - I have not gotten far enough along in my planning to think about DAR's. I'll have to ask around tomorrow and get back to you on that. With all of the construction going on (including an RV-4) the question should be easy to answer though.
gcbcpilot said:
Thanks for all of the info & local perspective. Gillespie is probably going to end up being the most convienient for me- Great to hear the EAA'ers dream part!

It sounds like the EAA'ers at Brown are quite motivated with their hangar projects! Any such motivation at Gillespie!?!? Wanted: Hangar to share!!!

Fallbrook also sounds great, but it's a bit far for me. I'll certainly make the flight to go check it out though! Any other local treasures (airports) in the SoCal area?
RV-8 in need of paint

They are always building at Gillespie - unfortunately all the talk is Jet ports though to the consternation of surrounding neighborhoods. The usual bigwig developers trying to cash in on deep pocket corporate jet operations. Same thing at Montgomery and Brown. HERE is some hope for you though. Their lease extension looks like more hangers for the common folk.