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Well I "solved" the supply chain issue for me. This should fill the gap while I slow build my 8. Picked up from Seattle and had a great flight back to Central valley. Very well built plane.


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My first RV was a -4.

I worked up to slowly to flying with an aft c.g., i.e., with a passenger. The same stick force that gave a 2 G turn solo gave 5 G with somebody in the back seat.

And when I was going to do a stall with somebody in the back seat and observed how much forward stick I was holding, I decided that a stall might not be a good idea.

I agree with those who love the handling! Just be careful with the aft c.g.
I don’t do stalls with much weight in the back seat.. you’ll feel that as you slow, the nose starts coming up all by itself!! Also, if the landing gets squirrely with the weight in the back, it starts to get “extra” squirrely!

Well I "solved" the supply chain issue for me. This should fill the gap while I slow build my 8. Picked up from Seattle and had a great flight back to Central valley. Very well built plane.

Well, you are doomed! :) You will be flying the best looking (see above) and maybe the best FLYING RV in the stable of RVs out there. Others might argue! ;) And all while you are building the second best-looking and flying RV! :D The problem being that you might enjoy your new mount so much it slows your progress on the "slow-build" RV-8! THEN when you finish building your -8, what will you do with your now-favorite airplane: the -4? But: can a person have TOO many airplanes??:D

Aft CG: there is this new thing ;):rolleyes: called a "weight and balance" form. If your new airplane was well-built (and it looks and sounds like it is) and flies straight, you should have no problems with aft CG if you stay within the limits of YOUR airplane. I have seen some -4s that have run out of forward trim with someone in the back seat. :eek: During my flight testing, I loaded up the back seat with progressive weights until I had 180 pounds back there and went out and did my flight cards. Including stalls, by the way! In order to properly evaluate the limits of my airplane, I had to test her in situations I would encounter flying her. That's what flight testing is for. Does she fly slightly differently with weight in the back? What airplane doesn't? Do you have to PAY ATTENTION with weight in the back? When shouldn't you be paying attention? She will be a little more sensitive to stick inputs as you load her up. But if you anticipate the changes, it is well within the handling of your airplane. My heaviest passenger was 190 pounds with EVERYthing taken out of the baggage compartment and she did just fine. Different? Well, yeah! SO: if you want to know how your -4 will handle with weight back there, start with 40 pounds of sand and increase it from there. BELT THE BAGS IN and put them in garbage bags! Don't use Portland cement: you don't want that flying around the airplane if it gets loose for any reason.

Bottom line: you have a great airplane and are building another equally great airplane (for other reasons). I find the front office of SuzieQ to fit me JUST RIGHT. The -8, for me, is too roomy up there and my rudder feet are too close together. Personal preference.

Enjoy your flying AND building. You have plenty of places to go from your home field in The Valley! GO THERE!

Did I mention PAY ATTENTION?
Ain't no substitute for cubic inches....

Very nice! Welcome to the club Jordan!

Jon: you're upping to 180? Nice! Can't wait to see your latest batch of videos! When are you making The Switch?

Jordan: if you want to see some amazing RV-4 flying and interesting input on how an RV-4 handles, look up JD's videos! Some nice flying, there!
IMO, I'm flying the second best looking plane and building the best looking one. :D But they are both fun. This 4 is super light and climbs like a beast with the catto. It could use a couple more inches of pitch cuz I can Rev it to the moon!

I had fun at the very aft limit a couple weeks ago when I picked up someone from an airport south of here when they needed a rescue. Felt quite twitchy compared to solo but safe. Never ran out of trim.