
I'm New Here
I'm considering purchasing a used RV 7/8 as I really like the RV aircraft performance, community and quality product but have never flown in one. Wife and I were thinking about flying out to the RV factory for a tour and get a demo flight next week but their RV 7 will be gone to airshows and they no longer have an RV8 to demo. They suggested reaching out to the VAF forum.

I live in CHS SC, if anyone in the area or SC / GA would be willing to offer a ride or let me sit in your aircraft and discuss your experience it would be appreciated.

I have a friend who's building an RV-8 but he doesn't have it here in SC yet and likely a couple years before it's completed.

Thank you,

I'm considering purchasing a used RV 7/8.....

I live in CHS SC, if anyone in the area or SC / GA would be willing to offer a ride or let me sit in your aircraft and discuss your experience it would be appreciated.

I have a friend who's building an RV-8 but he doesn't have it here in SC yet and likely a couple years before it's completed. Thank you, Brett

Hi Brett: Welcome aboard. I think your idea of factory visit is great. What kind of flight experience do you have? Have you owned an airplane before? Have a hanger? Are you a DIY'er? Buying any airplane is a big topic in general.

Do you belong to EAA? If not join a local chapter and go to meetings.

If you fly an RV you will want to own one. They don't call it the RV smile for nothing. Again not knowing what you have flown before, I can say handling, viability, performance is better than most (all) certified GA planes I have flown. I have flown a lot of planes.

Keep in mind these are amateur built kit planes. If you do get to the point of buying one... make sure you have it checked out completely... Good luck.
Thank you - 1000 hr + IFR pilot, yes I've owned a C172 with a partner in the past, a lot of G1000 experience, used to be EAA Chapter President, Young Eagle Coordinator, working on hanger but around here you kind of have to 'kill someone' to get one. : ) Most of my flying is in Cessnas 172/182's with a Piper thrown in there and a Nanchang.
Hi Brett,

I’m sure you’ll get people chiming in to offer you a tour and ride in their birds. In the meantime, you might want to reach out to members via PM or email that are located in South Carolina. I just did a quick search in the members list and found four fairly active members who live in South Carolina. I have a buddy who flys an -8 and lives in Wilmington N.C. that I’m sure would love to show you his airplane, but that may be too far for you to travel.

Another option may be to see if there’s any fly-in’s going on in your general area...I’m sure there’d be an RV or two that would be there. I don’t think you could go wrong with a 6,7,8, or 9. Depending on your budget, the 6 may end up being your best bang for the buck. I’m sure you already know, but the 6,7, and 9 are almost identical to one another with the 8 being tandem seating.

Are you thinking about buying or building? Personally, after doing both, I think buying a nice one is the way to go. There’s no doubt you’ll love whichever model you ultimately choose. Have fun with your window shopping!
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I was actively looking to prebuy a 7. Had a pre buy done on one. Then had a prebuy done on a 6. Ended up buying a 9 and could not be happier. Unless you are serious about serious aerobatics don?t discount a 9. Awesome airplanes. And if you know what you?re doing a roll is a 1 G maneuver.
Actually I'm open to likely all two seat RV's so I'm not ruling anything out at this point. Thx
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Welcome! Whatever you choose, you'll love it, coming from the certified world of performance. Do you and your wife have a pre-existing understanding about tandem seating? In a lot of cases this can be a deciding factor.

We've been here for a long time and been to some amazing places in our RV9A. We, more often than not, fly together, as an equal team. I'm convinced that the way we've developed our CRM wouldn't have been possible in the -8 I'm building now, for myself! I'm making sure I'm happy to fly the -8 from the rear seat...
Wife likes to go places but the flying part isn't her passion. She likes to just ride along. Tandem likely won't be a big issue for her and maybe an added bonus as she can have her own 'private' area to sleep etc... : )
Wife likes to go places but the flying part isn't her passion. She likes to just ride along. Tandem likely won't be a big issue for her and maybe an added bonus as she can have her own 'private' area to sleep etc... : )

Just make sure she tries one on for a while first. Have her try sitting in one for an hour or two. Some people love the back seat but after about 30 minutes in the back of an -8 I'm practically climbing the walls and twitching because I can't stand it back there (I can't move my legs hardly at all, unlike in a 6/7/9 where I can get some movement at least).

I wanted an 8 (really, a 4) but my wife said "if you want me to fly with you then I'm sitting next to you".

Thus I'm building a 7.
Try Columbia SC .... KCUB

Hi Brett,

I?m sure you?ll get people chiming in to offer you a tour and ride in their birds. In the meantime, you might want to reach out to members via PM or email that are located in South Carolina. I just did a quick search in the members list and found four fairly active members who live in South Carolina. I have a buddy who flys an -8 and lives in Wilmington N.C. that I?m sure would love to show you his airplane, but that may be too far for you to travel.

Another option may be to see if there?s any fly-in?s going on in your general area...I?m sure there?d be an RV or two that would be there. I don?t think you could go wrong with a 6,7,8, or 9. Depending on your budget, the 6 may end up being your best bang for the buck. I?m sure you already know, but the 6,7, and 9 are almost identical to one another with the 8 being tandem seating.

Are you thinking about buying or building? Personally, after doing both, I think buying a nice one is the way to go. There?s no doubt you?ll love whichever model you ultimately choose. Have fun with your window shopping!

We have several RV's at KCUB. [RV4/6&6A/8/9A/10 under construction/.

I have a flying RV8 and RV6. Also, an RV6A project.

Would be happy to give you and your wife seat time in either as well as a ride. The biggest problem is my schedule.

Send me an email "jclarkmail" over there at the place called "gmail". :)
Different strokes

Just make sure she tries one on for a while first. Have her try sitting in one for an hour or two. Some people love the back seat but after about 30 minutes in the back of an -8 I'm practically climbing the walls and twitching because I can't stand it back there (I can't move my legs hardly at all, unlike in a 6/7/9 where I can get some movement at least).

I wanted an 8 (really, a 4) but my wife said "if you want me to fly with you then I'm sitting next to you".

Thus I'm building a 7.

My wonderful wife, known as Slinky in the airshow world, loves the back seat of our 8. For 7 years she was our Public Affairs officer and narrator and traveled to every show with us. She had her own little office, a great view, more shoulder room than a 7 or 9 , her own NAV display and could nod off at will.
There really are people out there that like tandem seating.
I myself have checked folks out in my 8 and done several 700 mile cross countries in the back and I too don?t mind it at all.
Also, me personally, I?ve not met anybody who said I wish I hadn?t bought, or built my 8.
Just another fact based opinion.