
Well Known Member
I finally made the plunge & bought a wide angle bullet video camera to mount on the vertical tail of my RV-6. I flew today to get some test footage with it mounted on a RAM Mount in the cockpit. Here's the footage: - acro & spins.wmv


More info on the camera, etc here:

Good times! Enjoy,
Now Thats what I'm talking about!

Wide angle, facing backwards Except for PX rides I might put it on the other side.

Waay cool shot!

Frank 7a
Just watched the video

And I'm going to aerobatic school in July and now I gotta get me one of those!

The vertical rolls are going to look hot...What I mean I am going to look hot doing them...:)

So can you tell us what you use to record the video from the camera?

And I assume you dub the music on top after you edit the footage down?


Nice Vid Groucho, makes me want to get off my *** and finish dimpling the wing skins.

Your setup has xlnt pic quality
Crank out some more.
Thanks everybody. I had fun filming it. :D The bullet camera is labeled as having a 170deg field of view & I believe it. I have a ram mount on both sides of my cockpit, but didn't take any video today with the camera mounted on the right. It's only about a foot from my face on that backwards facing video...uber-wide angle.

I the bullet cam has a BNC analog video output. I connected it to the input on my Canon HV-10 HDV camcorder & put it in AV->DV mode. I didn't have the sound hooked up to my camcorder, so I editied everything down (about 40 minutes worth of aerobatics video) then just slapped a song on top of it. It's more interesting with music I think long as you don't pick Michael Bolton tunes.

I just showed the video to my wife on the TV downstairs & she said I'm going to need another one of for the tail (as planned) and one to keep inside the cockpit. Yippee!

Unfortunately, I'm leaving Tuesday for Alaska for three weeks, so I won't be putting out any new videos for a while. I'm starting the tail mod as soon as I get back.


That is a most excellent video. You fighter jocks look so calm and cool while you are doing do you do that?

Thanks for the motivation.

tonyjohnson said:
That is a most excellent video. You fighter jocks look so calm and cool while you are doing do you do that?
Thanks! Hey, I cracked a smile a couple times in there. Acro is such a blast & the RV's a great plane for having a good time with it!
Very nice

Great video Bryan.

I thought the smile really conveyed the moment. "I'm out here, on a beautifuld day, in MY plane, flying aerobatics." It doesn't get any better than that!
aparchment said:
I thought the smile really conveyed the moment. "I'm out here, on a beautifuld day, in MY plane, flying aerobatics." It doesn't get any better than that!
My thoughts exactly!!
TGRV7 said:
Well, I got off my *** and banged out some skin dimpling.
Great! Seriously, I didn't mean to mess up any of your weekend plans...don't get in trouble with the Mrs!

Here's a video grab with the camera located roughly where I'm thinking on the tail:

Keep poundin'!!
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I believe from your website you reside in Bullhead City.
I will be out your way the second week of June with the SeaDoo's on Mojave. 630 mile drive from EP.

My dream is to fly out on the weekends to Bullhead to visit family and play some Craps. The drive is a drag, yet there is nothing like Bullhead in West Texas.

Come to think of it, there is nowhere else like Bullhead in North America.
TGRV7 said:
I believe from your website you reside in Bullhead City.
I will be out your way the second week of June with the SeaDoo's on Mojave. 630 mile drive from EP.
My plane was based out of Boulder City, NV - just up the road from Bullhead City. I'm now in Rosie's hangar at the Rosamond Skypark in SoCal. Stop by anytime (but I won't be around most of June)!!

I just realised that HDV camcorder is pretty hi end...Like about $1500!

So next question, Do you really need that level of camera to do videos like that?

I'm not particularly interested in the tail cam so was thinking of using a 0.3X multiplier on the standard camcorder and using it for the backward shots as per your video


frankh said:
I just realised that HDV camcorder is pretty hi end...Like about $1500!

So next question, Do you really need that level of camera to do videos like that?
No you don't. That footage is standard definition, not HD. You do, however, need a camcorder with an AV input & they can be tough to find. That lets you plug in a video cable and record that to the camera (i.e. an RCA cable like the one that probably connects your VCR to your home TV). Both the Canon HV-10 (like mine) and HV-20 have AV inputs, but they are over $1000 still. It can be tough to figure out which camera can & which can't since most people don't use that feature. The first camcorder I bought the salesman swore up & down that you could record from an external video source, but he was wrong. It helps do look at the product manuals online or get your hands on a camera directly to make sure. The Canon Elura 100 & ZR700 do have AV inputs, but I couldn't find any other current Canon miniDV standard def model that does (Canon calls it "Analog/Digital Conversion" in their for "analog").

If you're going to shoot video from the actual camcorder in your plane, it's nice very to have a mic input. This lets you plug your intercom audio into camcorder. The HV-10 does not have a mic in unless you are in AV capture mode. The Canon ZR800 has a mic input, but the 830 & 850 do not. I'm not sure about the ZR700. There are obviously other brands of camcorders, but when I've bought my last 2, Canons were the only ones with the feature sets I wanted (miniDV, mic & AV inputs).

If you're going to shoot footage from a camcorder in the cockpit, I think image stabilization is a must. The cameras are heavy enough that unless you do a Dan Checkoway-style mount you're gonna get some vibration. The wider angle the camera, the less you'll see it though. Thankfully, most camcorders these days have some form of image stabilization.

Good wide angle adapters are hard to find & expensive. If you have a jump zone at your local airport, go find a skydiving video expert & pick his/her brain..they'll know which one to get. I have a 0.5x adapter for my HV-10, but it's not really wide angle enough to get good footage looking backwards in the cockpit. The lipstick camera works for me though.

Lots of people like the cameras that record onto DVDs directly, but I much prefer a miniDV camcorder. It's easier to edit your footage from a miniDV camera IMHO. If you are never going to edit your footage, then a DVD camera is something to consider. That being said, I'm not sure how they'd do in the vibration of a plane. I haven't had a problem recording to tape.

On another note, the quality of the HDV camcorders is amazing compared to the standard def ones (go figure). If you're going to shoot from your camcorder (i.e. no lipstick cam) & have the cash, HDV cameras are great.
groucho said:
The Canon Elura 100 & ZR700 do have AV inputs, but I couldn't find any other current Canon miniDV standard def model that does (Canon calls it "Analog/Digital Conversion" in their for "analog").
Great info Bryan. I've got the Elura 100, and I think it is a fantastic camera for not a lot of $. I really like the Analog/Digitial Coversion feature and have used it a few times to convert old videos on VHS and Super8 to digital format (WMV or DVD).
Thanks for the write up

Thanks Bryan,

That gets me a long way up the learning curve!


If you plan to play with more than one camera you have to go with a multi-camera DVR. These will simultaneously record every camera you have installed so you can download and edit later.

HERE is another light and compact alternative for a single camera application. A friend has one - and they really do give near DVD quality video.

HERE is the 170 degree bullet camera to go with it.
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Solid state & hard disk recorders are definitely a great option too. When I looked at it, it made more sense for me to buy a camcorder that had AV inputs. It might not be quite as elegant in the cockpit, but the added benefits of having a camcorder for non-flying related things worked for me.

My wife's already talking about how we "need" multiple lipstick cameras in the plane, so a multi-channel DVR might be in my future. I love my wife. :D
I Need

an IO540 in my plane but my Wife doesn't see the need!...What am I doing wrong?...:)

OK call me a "Thread resurector"..:)

Baja_Traveler said:
If you plan to play with more than one camera you have to go with a multi-camera DVR. These will simultaneously record every camera you have installed so you can download and edit later.

HERE is another light and compact alternative for a single camera application. A friend has one - and they really do give near DVD quality video.

HERE is the 170 degree bullet camera to go with it.

Note the quote in the other thread about DVD camcorders not being able to handle the G loading in acro....Would'nt a HDD have the same limitation?

Shame I was warming up to this approach...


frankh said:
Note the quote in the other thread about DVD camcorders not being able to handle the G loading in acro....Would'nt a HDD have the same limitation?
Not sure...I'm not totally sure about the DVD camcorders either. I do know that I've never had any problems with miniDV tapes. The solid state stuff (SD/CF cards) have no problems either. Anyone with a DVD camcorder out there? Fly & report!