This week I had the privilege of being the launch builder for the new location of Synergy Air - Synergy Air South, Newnan GA, just south of Atlanta.
BLUF - Awesome experience.
I am building an RV-10 and timing was right as I had just received my empennage kit. My builder assist was experienced A&P Allen Nelson. Allen has years of experience in builder assist of RVs. Being new to the world of honebuilding I may not qualify to label someone a “master builder”, but if it’s not Allen I don’t know who it would be. He took me, a beginner, and led me thru the build. We still have a little to do, but in 5 days we finished the rudder, both elevators, trim tabs and most of the vert stab. HS to go. He was an excellent instructor, patiently answered my questions and concerns, helped me decipher the plans, and helped me reach the “Synergy Standards”. No sloppy work. He’s a real craftsman and insisted that I raise my game.
The shop was well setup and supplied with tools, tables, safety equipment etc. The entire staff was warm and welcoming. Synergy has a great process and flexibility needed to help you get what you want, whether a good start, or a finished RV in a timely manner

Synergy Air South gets my highest recommendation.

More info at
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Another endorsement for Synergy Air, West and South. We've worked with Allen on numerous builds in the past, and highly recommend his services. For those of you that were at OSHKOSH, several examples of their build assist quality were on display, from Greg Novotny's RV14A to Krea Ellis' RV7.

Synergy Air South

I'm a customer at Synergy Air South too. They are awesome!!! I was told how things were going to work, but was still unsure about how feasible it was going to be. It was. I've spent first 5 days there, during which a mountain of work was completed. Allen Nelson is a wonderful instructor and teacher.

I've started building 6 years ago, but by spring of this year I was so discouraged that I almost began looking for buyer of my project. Then, fortunately, I've learned about Synergy Air South. I've changed my signature here from "hoping to build" to "build in progress" because I'm actually building my -10, and all thanks to Allen and Synergy.

I highly recommend their services.
Synergy Air South V2.0

My bride and I just finished our second week building our RV-10 at Synergy Air South in Newnan GA. It was another incredibly productive week! In two weeks we finished the entire empennage kit and tailcone up to top skins, withheld for wiring etc. I continue to be amazed at how much you can accomplish in a week’s time. If you are not progressing at a satisfactory pace, have stopped working out of frustration or being overwhelmed, or simply want to fly sooner, I highly recommend a call to Synergy Air South. One option is to build your empennage kit at SAS to get a great boost start, learn to build while supervised by a pro, read your plans accurately, work productively, up your workmanship, and in general gain confidence as you continue on your own.

Obviously I have great conviction - Synergy Air South still gets my highest recommendation...