
Well Known Member
We are pleased to announce that Aera 5XX V4.10 software is now available for installation. The full list of changes is included below, but there are a couple of new features that are noteworthy.

There was a thread back in February discussing that the Garmin G3X, GPSMAP 69X, and Aera 7XX all have both extended runway centerlines and runway number labeling on those extended centerlines. With V4.10, the Aera 5XX portables have also added runway number labeling to the extension lines as shown below.


You might have noticed in some of the Oshkosh announcements that Garmin introduced a new method of displaying ADS-B traffic on the GTN 750 called TargetTrend. This feature has been added to the Aera 5XX (and G3X, GPSMAP 69X, and soon to Aera 7XX).

When TargetTrend is enabled, the end of the green track vector line on each traffic target identifies where the traffic target will be in the specified time, relative to your aircraft. For example, at the traffic page range selection shown below, the end of the TargetTrend line always identifies where the traffic target will be in 60 seconds - again relative to your aircraft.

The image below isn't a very good example of the capability, but, for example, if you are overtaking the traffic in front of you, the green line will be pointed backwards from the traffic target towards your aircraft and will identify where the target will be relative to your aircraft in 60 seconds.


Significant changes were made to improve pass-through port support when the Aera 5XX is used with a GDL39. All of the previously supported serial port formats are now supported via the second port on the GDL39.

Changes made from version 4.00 to 4.10:
  • Add Target Trend display to Traffic page.
  • Add individual settings for traffic target symbols and labels to Map Setup page.
  • Add ability to configure additional interface formats for GDL 39 pass-through serial port.
  • Add runway number labels to runway extension lines on map.
  • Improve NMEA data output from GDL 39 pass-through serial port.
  • General improvements to system operation.
  • Includes GDL 39 system software version 2.40.

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Nice. We just installed the GDL-39 to our aera 500 in the Airgizmos panel dock. I think I can leave the iPad at home now.

Do you know how long the 50$/yr pricing for the Garmin Pilot app is going to be?