
Active Member
In the past I would always think, when someone told me they were building or were interested in a RV-10, that they would eventually regret not being able to do light acro and some of the more agressive flying moves those of us with the 'sportier' models enjoy.

But, in light of the increased security and new restictions on carry on items being imposed at the nations airports yesterday and the increased wait times to board caused by this, I think the RV-10 fans are now way ahead of the general population on the travel front.

I believe Van's hit a home run with the RV-10, and if they were to design something with even more seats it would sell given the way traveling by domestic jet is headed.


I think flying on the airlines in general makes private aviation more appealing regardless of security matters. I just wish I could afford a Cessna Mustang or Eclipes 500. I love my RV, during the summer when I fly home on leave from MS to OR, I take the RV, but in the winter around X-mas time, I have no choice but to take the airlines. Good observations though :)

PS- I'm going on lv in a few weeks and flying to Oregon...I'm going to try to stop by Hicks and see the gang.
Yes, I agree. If and only if we can keep people like my coworker out of public office. He doesn't believe *anyone* should be able to own and fly personal aircraft because of some perceived threat to national security. For some reason though he has no problem with people renting Ryder trucks. Go figure.

When my plane is finished I will gladly sit out some weather in Podunk, aftershave and shampoo in hand. :cool:
I've got to go over to Kennedy Space Center next week for a two-day Flight Readiness Review, and I'm having my travel orders changed to allow me to go POA (Privately Owned Aircraft) if I so desire. If the other guys have to leave for the commercial flight 2.5 hours early to get searched, I can be refueling the Valkyrie in Mobile about the same time they are leaving Houston - bet I can beat them to Orlando!

Ironflight said:
I've got to go over to Kennedy Space Center next week for a two-day Flight Readiness Review, and I'm having my travel orders changed to allow me to go POA (Privately Owned Aircraft) if I so desire. If the other guys have to leave for the commercial flight 2.5 hours early to get searched, I can be refueling the Valkyrie in Mobile about the same time they are leaving Houston - bet I can beat them to Orlando!

What, they don't let you land at KSC?
Ironflight said:
I've got to go over to Kennedy Space Center next week for a two-day Flight Readiness Review, and I'm having my travel orders changed to allow me to go POA (Privately Owned Aircraft) if I so desire. If the other guys have to leave for the commercial flight 2.5 hours early to get searched, I can be refueling the Valkyrie in Mobile about the same time they are leaving Houston - bet I can beat them to Orlando!

Now I am really jealous! Not only do you have the best seat for the shuttle launches, but you get to fly POV! :cool: My company won't let us fly POV's, but they don't mind if you drive your POV! :confused: BTW, very nice looking aircraft!
Kacey D.
Avionics SE Manager
Wondering of if I need to get a set of RV10 preview plans.
Alex said:
What, they don't let you land at KSC?

It's a hassle - you have to figure out how to get a rental car delivered....

And the ramp space will probably all be taken up with NASA airplanes flying in for the meeting - don't need the Val treated like a stepchild!

Two airplanes

redbeardmark said:
I am firmly convinced that every pilot needs TWO airplanes.
RV-7/8/10 and PC-12? That sounds much better than the security line I will face today at SNA - it's normally bad on a Friday afternoon, so today will be lovely.
kaceyd9plus said:
My company won't let us fly POV's, but they don't mind if you drive your POV! :confused: BTW, very nice looking aircraft!
Kacey D.
Avionics SE Manager
As an Avionics SE Manager, do you work for an aviation company? Pretty myopic of a company in the industry to not allow that. I on the other hand work for a pharmaceutical company and they also do not allow me to fly myself on business--actually the way it is worded, if I get someone to fly me it is allowed, just as long as I'm not a flight crew member-go figure.
the_other_dougreeves said:
RV-7/8/10 and PC-12? That sounds much better than the security line I will face today at SNA - it's normally bad on a Friday afternoon, so today will be lovely.
While I am generally sypathetic with the subject of this thread, I was surprised to go through security at Boston Logan this afternoon in record time. Took about 3 minutes to check my suitcase, and less than 2 minutes later, I was putting my shoes back on after the walk-through security scanner. I was sitting in the Red Carpet lounge two hours before my scheduled departure.

One of the unforseen benefits of this thwarted attack seems to be the apparent relative dearth of carry-on bags on the plane. In fact, the plane boarded much quicker than usual because everybody appeared to have checked all the junk that they normally would have tried to carry on and then stuff into the limited overhead storage bins.
Roadster, interesting may take a bit longer, but boarding WILL go faster if nobody has carry ons. You did mention though that you were sitting in the lounge 2 HOURS before your departure.

HOWEVER, the thing I like about General Aviation flying (even the spam-can rental I currently fly) is that I can be up flying withing 15-20 minutes after arriving at the airport. Can't wait to pull the trigger on the RV build...means I'll just get there faster! Oh, an I can bring some water and pocket knives on my "airline". :)

Oh, an I can bring some water and pocket knives on my "airline". :)


Reminds me of a phone call I got from my son as he was boarding a military charter flight for Iraq about 18 months ago. With his customary sense of humor, he told me that all of the soldiers had to give up their pocket knives as they boarded the airplane. However, nobody said a thing about the M-16's they were all carrying!!
Military Intelligence indeed! :rolleyes:
As an airline crewmember, I can say without a doubt how much the "hassle" factor has gone up since 9-11. It's no fun anymore... It will be interesting to see how this all plays out over the next coming days and weeks.

In the early days right after 9-11, nobody was even sure if there was even an airline industry to come back to. Well, it came back gangbusters alright, although not even close to the same working conditions as before. Those days are forever gone, I'm afraid.

I was on the road yesterday when this all happened, and I have never seen lines like what I saw yesterday....ever. Not in 30 some years of flying! SeaTac airport...the lines began when you got out of your car in the parking garage!!! I heard one media source say the lines were six football fields in length! And of course you know how accurate the media is.. You could preflight your cub and fly across the the country faster than what I saw taking place. I understand today was MUCH better around the country. Just check all your bags and fughettaboutit'...

What's this have to do with RVs??? EVERYTHING!! I totally agree with all the above posters. General aviation ( and those wicked fast RVs !) has never been in a better position than right now for advocating personal travel from point A to point B!!

I normally fly those London trips and I take it quite personally that these fanatics can think of nothing else but trying to kill me and my passengers. We've already lost four airplanes to these nuts, but I WILL NOT be scared off. I will continue to fly my trips and I dare these individuals to try anything on my plane. ....after all, among the best defenses I have on my plane are my passengers!!

And when I go home after my trip, I forget about it all for a few days and engage in my passion on building my RV and hangin' around this forum!!

BTW,....while we're dreamin' here... 3 airplanes for every fast go-somewhere airplane(RV-10), one fast 'bore holes in the sky' airplane (my RV-8 project), and finally one slow 'boring holes in the sky' airplane( cabin optional!)
jdmunzell said:
I normally fly those London trips and I take it quite personally that these fanatics can think of nothing else but trying to kill me and my passengers. We've already lost four airplanes to these nuts, but I WILL NOT be scared off. I will continue to fly my trips and I dare these individuals to try anything on my plane. ....after all, among the best defenses I have on my plane are my passengers!!

Jeff, I wanted to tell you that I'm a Premier Executive customer of your employer, and I'm absolutely hooked on Channel 9 on your in-flight entertainment system. I love listening to those controllers coming into O'hare. (I know, I'm a flight geek!) :cool:


I absolutely agree with your comments about RVs, and especially the RV-10. :D
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Thanks for keeping me gainfully employed! I'm glad you like channel 9. I think it is one of our best marketing tools, and I am surprised no other airline has copied the idea!

Listening to the O'hare controllers can be a real hoot sometimes....sort of like Oshkosh!
Easier than expected

Roadster said:
While I am generally sypathetic with the subject of this thread, I was surprised to go through security at Boston Logan this afternoon in record time. Took about 3 minutes to check my suitcase, and less than 2 minutes later, I was putting my shoes back on after the walk-through security scanner. I was sitting in the Red Carpet lounge two hours before my scheduled departure.
Yes, I found the same thing - easy checkin and security line. However, I didn't get the Red Carpet treatment ;) but I did get a standby seat on an earlier flight (only to sit on the DFW ramp for 30 minutes waiting for a gAAte :confused: )
On the two airplanes note:

RV-3 and a Lancair Propjet would do nicely. But I have to compromise on the -7 for now :).
the_other_dougreeves said:
However, I didn't get the Red Carpet treatment ;)
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I pay dearly for that service. ;) There's nothing I hate more than having a significant flight delay, and nowhere to sit in a crowded airport terminal, with no 120-Volt plugs available to work on my laptop. :mad: Just one 4-hour layover makes the entire annual fee worthwhile.
Are they still allowing you bring your lap tops on board? It has been a few months since I flew for business and I have always thought a lap top computer would make a great timing device and there is plenty of space to stash some hydrogen based material inside one and still have it boot up.

I used to get a lot of work done on my flights and I can't imagine they would relegate all computers to the cargo hold.

BTW, has anyone else wondered why a suicide bomber would need a detonation device? What are they going to do, set the thing in the lav and run to the other end of the plane?
Laptops = Security Hazard?

N941WR said:
Are they still allowing you bring your lap tops on board? It has been a few months since I flew for business and I have always thought a lap top computer would make a great timing device and there is plenty of space to stash some hydrogen based material inside one and still have it boot up.
Heck, all you need is one with one of those special lithium batteries that spontaneously combusts!

Seriously, I'm writing this from the SWA gates at HOU; laptops are still Ok. However, you can certainly start a HOT fire with a laptop battery - it's a large security risk. TSA must surely know this, but they would face HUGE backlash from biz travelers and airlines who love them. Can you imagine how much heat AA/UA/DL etc. would put on TSA if they told their cash cows - er, business travelers - that they couldn't have laptops?

So, my guess is that we can still keep out laptops until we have a serious in-flight incident with a pax airplane, either intentional or not. I guess UPS/FedEx don't count! :eek: