Scott Will

Well Known Member
our new RVATOR!

Haven't been able to get to the shop to work on the -7A. However, we did manage to create this beauty at the other shop (the hospital). Please join us in welcoming Heather Michelle to the RV community! Hopefully she'll be flying right seat in no time.

7 lbs, 10 oz 2.25.05
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Congratulations, Scott!!! Beautiful baby and I'm sure you're the proudest papa on Earth right now.

Enjoy the 18 year sleep deprivation experiment ;) .

What a beautiful baby. Congratulations. Sorry, but it doesn't stop at 18. They keep coming back for money! ;)
Sleep....schmeep. Who needs sleep. Here's what you do right now. You spend every waking moment holding the baby and saying to yourself " I WILL remember how this feels...I WILL remember how this feels.... I WILL remember how this feels."

That'll help get you through the teenage years.

new rvator

Congrats Scott but don't blink mine were that small only yesterday and both are college age now.

Enjoy the snuggling years while you can they go by faster looking back.
Congratulations Scott! Being the Dad to a little girl (3 in my case) is the greatest thing in the world. She sure is a cutie. :eek:

Fantastic Scott, some wonderful years coming your way. I have a 2 yr old and she's a real treat.
Thanks everyone for your well wishes. If there was an instruction manual for children, I'm sure it'd be a lot thicker than what Van's sends to build one of our planes. She's already a real treasure to me.
I'm afraid raising kids is a "learn as you go" experience Scott. No instruction manual. Just be fair, firm, and consistent and be a good role model. The rest just comes naturally.

One other thing......You are probably going to be cursed like I am and have a beautiful teenage daughter on your hands sooner than you think! Then YOU get to deal with boyfriends too!! Welcome to the club, brother! :eek:
