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Active Member
New RV9A builder here in WV. Just finished the VS and have started the Rudder. Enjoying the build so far and am happy with the results so far. Enjoy this site for all of the information that is available. Standby for questions as I'm sure I will have plenty. I have tried to attach an image from photobucket but not sure I did it correctly. Thanks, Phil
Also if there are any RV flyers near me, I fly out of KMRB I would love to take a demo flight. Still have not been up in an RV. I am fortunate enough to have some builders here that have lent me tools and invaluable advice and training. Thanks to Paul and Dave.
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good choice Phil!

welcome, and happy building!

be sure to get as much butt time as you can in lots of Rv's.....preferably 'stick' time.
That will answer a million questions of 'where to put ____."
Heck, MIGHT even answer the tip-up vs slider question?
tail wheel vs nose? Polish vs pint vs vinyl?
primer vs.......well......


There are plenty of RV's in the area. I'm at WV22, which is just north of KMRB and we have a- 6, 9a, and my -4 on the field. Maybe give Paul a push and he'll get that 14 finished. :D

If you're at MRB much let me know and I'll fly in and introduce myself.....Chris

From one with a polished RV, when you consider "polish or a pint" choose the pint every time!
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There are plenty of RV's in the area. I'm at WV22, which is just north of KMRB and we have a- 6, 9a, and my -4 on the field. Maybe give Paul a push and he'll get that 14 finished. :D

If you're at MRB much let me know and I'll fly in and introduce myself.....Chris

Hi Chris, Im over there quite a bit. Maybe we can catch a nice weekend when we could meet. Maybe even get Paul to show us his 14. If you havent seen his Carbon Cub, its a real beauty. Thanks, Phil
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