
Well Known Member
After looking for sometime for an RV, I decided on the RV8A and found what I was looking for in Jackson, CA. Left home Thursday and flew commercial to Sacramento where the owner/builder picked me up. He had the airplane opened up and together we finished the inspection and got her put back together on Friday evening. He flew me to a neighboring airport on Saturday to meet a instructor and get some transition training. I was amazed at the performance and how nimble and responsive the plane was and needless to say I had the RV grin all day. I left in N9818D after lunch for my journey home stopping in Page AZ for fuel after dodging rain and some storms along my first leg, sometimes having to slow down due to turbulence. Then left Page and made it to Elkhart, KS. The trip was a little over 1000 miles with a fuel burn that turned out to be almost 23 MPG (amazing) at an altitude of 11,500 to 13,500.
This forum has been a big help to me as I have been trying to decide what I wanted. Now I understand when folks on here talk about performance and economy. After feeding a Twin Comanche, I almost feel guilty.
My thanks to Mark, the owner/builder, and Stan for being brave enough to give me some training. Flying is fun again.
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I think you are now the third RV owner I have heard say ye moved from a twin Comanche. The other two LOVED their twin Comanche's, but both also prefer the RV.
Congrates on your new plane, glad to see you made it home safe.

I think you are now the third RV owner I have heard say ye moved from a twin Comanche. The other two LOVED their twin Comanche's, but both also prefer the RV.

Well I am going to be a fourth well maybe not the twin portion, I have a sigle engine Comanche that I am using to get my commercial, Instrument and then my CFI. Love flying the plane but the amount of gas it is using is killing me. Once I am complete, I am going to sell her to buy a RV-6 or RV-7. I had a RV-7A and sold it thinking my wife and I were going to adopt an older child but that did not work out but I sure do miss flying her.

Jesse, I have taxied by your hanger several times when my instructer and I stop by your airport for gas while we are doing our training. You look like you have a nice set up there.
I loved my twin Comanche too but I had to need to go somewhere in it-not just to get out and enjoy flying. Now I can get a $100 hamburger, not a $200 one.
Jesse, I have taxied by your hanger several times when my instructer and I stop by your airport for gas while we are doing our training. You look like you have a nice set up there.

Feel free to stop by any time the door's open.
Enjoy it

I was surprised and disappointed when I saw that Mark had put the plane up for sale. I sincerely hope you get to have a lot of fun with it. It was nice of Stan to help you out too. Enjoy!
You bet!

There are a few of us old timers that have moved from the big sixes to the RV world. It dose make one feel better to be able to fly, get somewhere quick, have fun doing it and not have to skip the pie after that hamburger lunch on the fly. You have a very good airplane now. I would envy you if I did not have one too. Have fun, and be safe out there.
Yours, as always. R.E.A. III #80888
I sure miss mine, it's a great plane and I'm sure you will love it.
It's perfect for just short flights, and also good for cross country's.