
Well Known Member
My wing kit delivery was delayed one week because of changes to the spar for the new pre-punched fuselage. Has anyone heard if this is due to hole punching in the spar or any other changes? Can't wait to get started.
When I asked Scott Risan at Oshkosh about the center section I already received in my wing kit and whether or not it was compatible with the new match punched fuse kit, he said no it wasn't.

They'll be sending a new center section to those who've already received one and they're probably holding your wing kit delivery for the same reason.

Ahh, note to self...

...must remember to ask about this when ordering the fuselage. Thanks for the heads up guys...
I've already submitted the question to Van's, as I'm ready to order my fuse shortly, and I've got a nice center section sitting here at my house already!!

I'll let you know what I hear...

Return center section?

Please do Joe. I rather hope (probably foolishly) that Vans won't want me to send the old one back. Otherwise I may need to take out another mortgage! :D
Pre-punched Fuselage

I ordered my fuselage kit about two weeks before hearing the announcement about the pre-punch. I promptly emailed vans and asked that I get the new version. They were fine with that, but said that I might experience a delay of a few weeks. I really don't have a problem with that. Nothing was said about the center sections. I assume they will include the new one's with the kit.

Anyone have any idea what will change with the jigging requirements? I am assuming this will really simplify getting the canoe straight.

Michael Wynn
RV 8 Wings (ailerons)
No word yet from Van's...sorry. I'll keep you posted.

I've seen many RV-7s built on the bench top with no jigging whatsoever (the usual suspects on the web, as well as in person). Yet I've also seen guys build the jig for the empenage. :confused: To each his own I guess.

Personally, I can't wait to get these wing jigs down, and build the fuse without one...the joy and advantage of the match hole (IMO).

Aren't the wing spars matched to the center sections? How can they just send a new center section when you already have the wings? I thought the whole reason for getting the center section with the wings is because they have to be matched. All my center parts are label with numbers that match my spars. It doesn't really affect me because I already have the Real Mans Fuse, just wondering.
"real mans fuse" LOL :D

Lot's of -7, -9, -10 builders out there that might have a thing to say about that. Besides, I thought it was the tanks that made you a real builder?

I guess that's the reason for the question to Van's...I understand the whole thing exactly as you do (kit number markings and all).

Still no answer from the Tech Support e-mail address...glad I didn't ask anything REALLY pressing.

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jferraro16 said:
I've seen many RV-7s built on the bench top with no jigging whatsoever (the usual suspects on the web, as well as in person). Yet I've also seen guys build the jig for the empenage. :confused: To each his own I guess.
You may have seen the original RV-7 empennage being built -- it was not match drilled.
Speaking of the usual suspects....

Good point Dan. But I'm talking in last 6 months. Folks get a hold of those old Orndorff Videos and don't deviate...pre-punch, match hole, whatever. Heck one of the guys I'm talking about...I sold him the tapes! :D Not saying it's wrong, just pointing out it has been done that way.

I, personally, would rather spend my time cutting aluminum than cutting wood! :)

Your emp. was what '02? '01? You kept up an amazing pace. Were your other kits match hole? I'd love to finish in the time it took you to build...but not expecting to, matched hole fuse or not.
jferraro16 said:
Your emp. was what '02? '01? You kept up an amazing pace. Were your other kits match hole?
My emp shipped September '01. Serial # 70379.

My wings shipped April '02, and fuselage shipped June '02, and they were match drilled. I've seen more match drilling & pre-fab & pre-cut lightening holes in various components since then, but nothing significant has changed (that I'm aware of).
Got sick of waiting for the e-mail

I called direct, and got this (paraphrased) response:

So much of the kits are interchangeable now, that replacing parts "mid-kit", or even after completion is not a problem. He used gear legs as another example (I can't comment, since I'm still on the wings).

Said the engraved numbers on spar/centersection and most all the wing kit parts were just an "extra cautious step" during kit packing/assembly. With the machine precision the parts are manufactured under, they are basically identical from kit to kit. He said they are asking for the center section from your wing kit to be returned, that they will pay for the shipping--have had a few take them up on the offer.

Last comment I found interesting. "If you put the old -8 fuse kit parts next to the new -8 fuse kit parts, except for a very few pieces (center section, firewall, etc) you wouldn't think they were the same airplane. They basically re-designed the entire thing.

Anyway, sounds like they thought it all through pretty well (as usual for Van's), have a plan, and quality/customer safety will continue to be paramount.

Nice! I just finished sealing my second tank and will be placing my fuse order soon. I really should order now, but want to have the dead-time in between kits to finish up some detail work.

Thanks for doing the leg work on figuring this out!

I too will be placing that order soon. I plan to have the first wing top-skinned within a week. Left Tank and LE are done. parts are primed.

Great info to have, great forum to share it on. Thanks for following up.