
Active Member
Hello all, my name is Ward Lewis. I live in Baker Florida at an aviation community called Sky Ranch (18FD). I am going to be building an RV-8 and would love to hear some tips and tricks from you guys who have done this. Anything will help.

Welcome Sir

Very likely you will be providing some tips and tricks for us builders:) You are in right community Ward.
Take couple of weeks and read forum archives. Tons and tons of valuable info. I was reading these resources for 3+ years and there is always something new.
Keep us informed about your project. It will help to speed up the building. You will be your own banker (if you do not already have full time CFO:D), chief engineer and project manager.
Welcome to VAF!!!!

Ward, welcome aboard the good ship VAF.

Get familiar with the layout of the forums, there is an entire section devoted to the 8, (this one you posted in) and it is a worthwhile read.

Also, the search function is very helpful.

Hang on, it is going to be an interesting voyage
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Welcome! Glad to see another -8 builder join the mix! This kit is very good, but you will still find yourself from time to time scratching your head, at those times this forum and other RV builder sites are invaluable.

My tip - do something EVERY day on your project.

Good luck!
Ward, welcome aboard. My -8 empennage arrives this week, but I'm not starting any work other than the inventory until after I take the basic sheet metal class down in Lakeland in Feb. I live down in Shalimar so we're not that far apart.