
Well Known Member

Attached is a picture of my new 7A panel nearing completion.


Don't forget to stop by the Garmin booth at Oshkosh and see what kind of exciting new products we have for experimental aircraft. :) :)

7A Finishing

Now that is none too subtle Scott.... However, my interest is where did you get those nice rocker switches and are they backlit?

Hi Scott,

how in the world did you get a G1000?!?
that's awesome... I thought garmin wasn't delivering to the experimental crowd... also, ballpark figure what price is concerned?

rgds, Bernie
Yes Scott works for Garmin. Now if he'd just finsih the plane so I can ride in it!!!

Sweet!! I knew this day was coming! So, Scott, what's the deal?? We have the G1000 in our Diamond, and everybody asks me if I'll be putting a 1000 in my RV...what should I, or can I tell them now??? :cool:

Amazing panel! Not just the G-1000 which is obviously awesome (out of my price reach but awesome just the same), but the entire layout and quality of work is impressive.

I?m sure all will agree that it will be a blast to fly behind that panel.
back-up 2.25" gauges?

Scott, nice nice nice, are the round back-up instruments 2.25", electric, and if they are 2.25" where did you find them?

jeff h
Oh man. That's got to be the biggest teaser ever. I've already made my EFIS/EMS decision, but am waiting anxiously to hear what Garmin's up to on Monday. Must be nice to get a company discount on the biggest expense in the project. Need any camera gear? I'll swap discounts with you for a GSP. ;)
Way Cool!

Got to fly behind one of those in a Cirrus. Very cool. I suspect that affordability might be just a slight issue though....

Hey Dave, maybe we can split one, you get the left screen, and I'll take the right.. Maybe you can throw in a camera and I'll dig up an out of date copy of Visio... :D

I have a feeling the left and right screens need to stay wired together. We'll have to stay in very tight formation for the sharing arrangement to work. ;)

I haven't flown behind them, but got to play with them in a sim. I'm sure they'll be at the very high end of the cost spectrum, but man those screens are sweet.
I reposted the picture to another location due to bandwidth being exceeded. It's not a very good picture, but you get the general idea.


My airplane will be on display in the Garmin tent at Oshkosh for anyone wanting to take a closer look. I will be there most days to answer any questions people may have. There are a couple of interesting product announcements planned for the show.

Look forward to seeing you there!


P.S. Jeff, the round gauges are 2.25" electric sold by Mid Continent. The autopilot is a Trutak Sorcerer.
G1000 in experimentals

tx_jayhawk said:
...My airplane will be on display in the Garmin tent at Oshkosh for anyone wanting to take a closer look. I will be there most days to answer any questions people may have. There are a couple of interesting product announcements planned for the show.
Sounds like some great news...sure hope it's what I think it is.
tx_jayhawk said:
P.S. Jeff, the round gauges are 2.25" electric sold by Mid Continent. The autopilot is a Trutak Sorcerer.

What? no integrated Garmin autopilot? I thought that was supposed to be the best part?
Since I've got an inferiority complex and I don't like being so jealous of Scott and his beautiful panel, I thought I'd let you know that our company flying club is stocked full of G1000 172s, 182s, and even a couple of 206s.

I get to fly behind a G1000 for $50 per hour. Wet. So how do you like them apples!? :D

Seriously though, who would've ever imagined that a day would come that we Private Pilots would get to fly behind more sophisticated and powerful avionics than MANY of the corporate jet jocks are flying?
50/hr wet?

jrsites said:
Since I've got an inferiority complex and I don't like being so jealous of Scott and his beautiful panel, I thought I'd let you know that our company flying club is stocked full of G1000 172s, 182s, and even a couple of 206s.

I get to fly behind a G1000 for $50 per hour. Wet. So how do you like them apples!? :D

Seriously though, who would've ever imagined that a day would come that we Private Pilots would get to fly behind more sophisticated and powerful avionics than MANY of the corporate jet jocks are flying?

ok... I can see the 50/hr wet/.... where are the hidden costs?
ps... are we talking 1000 a month in dues?
brianwallis said:
ok... I can see the 50/hr wet/.... where are the hidden costs?
ps... are we talking 1000 a month in dues?

Other than the scheduling fee ($2.00 per hour scheduled, I think), which is supposed to help pay for the overhead costs of our online scheduling system, there are no other fees. Just the $50 per hour for a brand spankin' new 172S. Dues are $18 or $19 per month (I have them automatically deducted from my paycheck, so I never see them thus don't remember exactly what they are).
Scott, where did you end up mounting the various LRUs? Any problems finding room for the cooling fans?
brianwallis said:
ok... I can see the 50/hr wet/.... where are the hidden costs?
ps... are we talking 1000 a month in dues?
My theory: He's in Wichita, KS, and it's a "company" flying club. I'm willing to bet the club didn't pay retail price for the Cessna 172s, Cessna 182s, and Cessna 206s with G1000 panels; the company might even eat some of the loss as part of the advertising or similar budget.
Let's see, a flying club at work in Wichita... 172s, 182s, and 206s... hmmm... do I smell Cessna?

Edit: Ooops, looks like Brian130 beat me to it. :)
Last edited:
In line prices...

Our Diamond DA40 Star with the G1000 rents for $137.50 an hour wet. Mid $100's seem to be the norm for new TAA airplanes available for rent across the country. And, no, I do not get a discount... :rolleyes:
Wow. I knew we were getting a very good deal, but I didn't know we were only paying one-third of what most renters are paying. I figured our rates were about half the going rate elsewhere.

I should clarify. It's not a "company" flying club. It is the "employees" flying club, but the company has nothing to do with the day to day operation or operating budget. The club has to survive on its own, on whatever operating profit it can turn from rental revenue. It has meant some changes over the years during economic ups and downs. We now fuel our own planes to help save overhead costs. And rates have gone up. When I first joined, a 172P was $28.50 an hour.

Yeah, I know. "Cry me a river." :D

Now, that's not to say that the company doesn't help out somehow, perhaps on the acquisition cost of the aircraft. But the flying club is not a "department" of the company, nor does the budget show up on the company's income statement.

It is a very valuable employee benefit, though.

Were it not for the case of RV Fever I contracted from flying my dad's RV-6A, I wouldn't be making plans to build my own plane. If you think about it, it's probaby ludicrous to build and operate your own plane when you can rent one for $50 per hour. But I need an RV fix..........
brianwallis said:
ok... I can see the 50/hr wet/.... where are the hidden costs?
ps... are we talking 1000 a month in dues?

You have to live in Wichita and work for "The Big C" ;)
G900X and G600

tx_jayhawk said:
Don't forget to stop by the Garmin booth at Oshkosh and see what kind of exciting new products we have for experimental aircraft. :) :)

7A Finishing
Looks like Garmin is paying attention us kitbuilders. The G900X (Experimental) or the G600 (retrofit) is now on my consideration list. Having owned an operated a GNS-430 since 1999 (or was it 1998), I've been extremely satisfied with their products.

Now I just have to see the price.


Suggested retail on the G900K is $67k. The G600 is $30k, although the press release doesn't specifically say that one's for sale to experimentals.
Where's the picture?

tx_jayhawk said:

Attached is a picture of my new 7A panel nearing completion.


Don't forget to stop by the Garmin booth at Oshkosh and see what kind of exciting new products we have for experimental aircraft. :) :)

7A Finishing

Can some one send me this picture? Thaanks!
[email protected]

Now that is an impressive panel!

I should buy some lotto tickets for this weeks drawing, based on my envy (and hope to win)! :eek:

Very nice, indeed.
Any answers about the mounting of the LRUs? It would be really nice to know where you mounted the boxes, what the system weight is, and oh yes...Pictures! :)
Jconard said:
Any answers about the mounting of the LRUs? It would be really nice to know where you mounted the boxes, what the system weight is, and oh yes...Pictures! :)
Took this from the one on display at OSH-this might me Scott's. Those gold/orange boxes are 14 to 28 volt DC-DC converters. The G1000 (and 900X) is only available in 28V.


Alternatively, you can mount the LRU's elsewhere and just put the display and audio panel on the panel.
Any word on the weight of the system? Just curious. I'm guessing it's about $2k per pound. :)
w1curtis said:
Took this from the one on display at OSH-this might me Scott's. Those gold/orange boxes are 14 to 28 volt DC-DC converters. The G1000 (and 900X) is only available in 28V.
Actually, I think the system will work at 14V with the exception of the comm radios, which need 28V.


Davepar said:
Any word on the weight of the system? Just curious. I'm guessing it's about $2k per pound. :)


I asked Scott directly and was told 45+ lbs. I don't know what that would do with the W&B of a 7, or what you'd have to plan for.

I do know this. When Cessna first came out with the G1000, the made the claim that it would provide an increase in useful load over the Silver Crown King system and 6 pack.

In actuallity, it did exactly the opposite. It created a useful load penalty. I took delivery of my G1000 182 and right next to it was a non-G1000 182, same equipment everywhere else. The difference was 1241 lbs useful on the non- to 1198 for the G1000. BTW, the W&B had to be revised after the TC was issues with a manual entry to include 25lbs of wiring! I suppose that was due to the Avoinics bay that was mounted in the tail. One other note in difference the Cessna install uses the King AP and the servos for the AP are huge, so it could be that the G900X without AP, or with trutrak will be closer to the 45+ number than the cessna install.
Questions Answered

Hi All,

Still trying to catch up from Oshkosh. It was a long (but enjoyable) week. Listed below are some answers in response to some questions that have been asked. System is not yet available for sale, so the standard disclaimer applies (subject to change).

* System will be fully certified when available for sale. It is not an uncertified version of the G1000. In total, the G900X/G1000 holds TSO authorization on approximately 50 different TSOs.
* G900X "system" is comprised of multiple LRUs:
  • 2 GDU 1040s (10.4" displays)
  • 1 GMA 1347 (digital audio panel)
  • 2 GIA 63W Avionics Units (integrated WAAS GPS/VOR/LOC/GS receiver w/ 16 watt COM)
  • 1 GRS 77 AHRS
  • 1 GDC 74A ADC
  • 1 GMU 44 Magnetometer
  • 1 GEA 71 Engine Interface Unit
  • 1 GTX 33 Mode S Transponder
  • 1 GTP 59 OAT Probe
* Of the above, only the displays and GMA must be mounted in the panel. The AHRS and magnetometer will mount in specially designed mounting brackets. The rest of the LRUs can be mounted where needed.
* Total system weight is around 45 lbs. This includes all LRUs, racks, connectors, etc. I haven't added up separate weights of any comparable systems, but I suspect it would be fairly close (large screen PFD + large screen MFD + 2 GNS 530Ws + GMA 347 + GTX 330 + etc.). I'm not using an angle-valve engine, so I am already saving about 30 lbs right there. ; )
* System will run on either 14 or 28V. Only exception is that the COM power input must be run on 28V (it's 16 watts).

I'll try to snap a few more pics showing the LRU installations for those that have asked.

7A Finishing