Jason Meyer

I'm New Here
Just purchased an RV-6 and I'm looking for a transition pilot in the Fresno, CA area next week (Jan 25 to 29th) willing to give training in their 6. Or a transition pilot in Tuscon/Phoenix to give training in my plane this weekend(Jan 23/24) and next(Jan 30/31). Feel free to private message me if you can help or know someone who can.

Welcome to the club!
I can't help you with the training, But, an RV7 may do the trick for you, too.
Maybe post on the general discussion area for a broader audience response.
These airplanes and the people associated with them are great.
What power plant setup have you got?
RV6...gettin close to sign off.
I suggest you concentrate on getting the training in your aircaft. Every homebuilt is slightly different. Paying for training in someone else's plane has all sorts of issues, from insurance coverage to needing an FAA waiver.