
I'm New Here
Started 4/1/20 and on the Aft Fuselage with partial completion on vert stab, rudder, horizontal stab and elevators. Looking for any other RV builders in the area or state of Colorado.
Colorado RVs

Started 4/1/20 and on the Aft Fuselage with partial completion on vert stab, rudder, horizontal stab and elevators. Looking for any other RV builders in the area or state of Colorado.

Official welcome will be coming soon.
As it happens, I manage a Googe Group, Colorado RVs. There about 40 members. Several 14s under construction or flying. If you would like to join, send me an e-mail (address below) from a G-mail account. Please include a phone number.
Several of us in the Montrose/Delta area. EAA 1373 if you are interested, but a bit of a drive from Durango.
Nearby -14A aircraft

FYI, there is a flying -14A at Delta Blake (KAJZ) and my -14A at Grand Junction (KGJT). I've got 630 hours on mine and have been all over the country in it.

Are you at La Plata or Animas? I was at both airports a few weeks ago.
Re:La Plata or Animas?

FYI, there is a flying -14A at Delta Blake (KAJZ) and my -14A at Grand Junction (KGJT). I've got 630 hours on mine and have been all over the country in it.

Are you at La Plata or Animas? I was at both airports a few weeks ago.

I'm at La Plata.