
I'm New Here
Hi everyone-
First time builder here in southern California. I got my emp kit for the RV-14A last week. Inventory went well but one of the bags was B/O and so I am unable to begin. Literally the piece I am missing out of BAG 3037 is the first piece called for in section 6. (The piece missing is the front spar doubler VS-01401).
I called Van’s and they told me that the cable in the bag was actually the piece on B/O and that it should be ready around July 30. They mentioned that I might consider doing another section of the plane in the meantime. What do you think about that? I’ve read through the plans and it looks like I could start on the rudder and then when the B/O bag gets here in a month I could go back and complete the VS?
PS. I had intended to do a training course but as the COVID-19 virus has shut down all of these EAA classes I am unable to get that experience. I completed the lightbox project and the practice kit they send with the empanage, is there anything else I could maybe do while I wait for the parts that are back ordered?

Welcome aboard! Your great adventure is beginning.

You can definitely skip ahead to a different step.

This is the time to be getting your shop space and tools together and to learn to make good rivet joints and recognize bad ones and to get good drilling out rivets until you are satisfied. The parts are cheap and easy to replace if you really mess something up badly at this stage.

I recently completed an RV7a at cable airport after a 3 year build. It was a lot of work. I’m a first time builder and made plenty of mistakes but I’ve learned a tremendous amount and have been fortunate to learn from many mentors.

I would highly encourage you to find an EAA technical counselor near you.

You are welcome to drop by sometime and see what we did and I can try answering questions you have.

Happy building,

Congratulations on joining the RV 14 build world.

Skipping around chapters will become more normalish by the time you get to the middle of the fuselage.
Welcome to the club. Ditto on skipping around. Make a system for knowing what you skipped and to help ensure you go back on some of the small steps. Enjoy the build. I’m on a short vacation and can’t wait to get back to build.
I just started my second build recently. Part of the VS was backordered, so I just did the rudder first. By the time I was done the parts were here.

BUT be aware the rudder is a little less forgiving than VS and requires some skills you may need to work on - primarily back-riveting. The rudder skins are quite thin so require a little extra care.

I built a second rudder - nothing structurally wrong the first one but I made an ugly dent in the skin that was bugging me so I just re-did it. Didn't want to start out on the wrong foot. Ordering replacement parts from Van's becomes normal as does jumping around as others have mentioned.
That piece goes on the bottom of VS-702 and also acts as a guide for you to trim. You can easily skip it now and come back to it later.
Welcome to the 14!

Like Andrew said, skipping around will become normal practice in short time.

If you're going to skip to a new chapter I would suggest going to the horizontal stabilizer. It is a pretty simple component that I am greatly enjoying. I'm still getting my skills sharpened in order to attempt a single rudder build.
Thank you for all the responses. I am lucky to have a friend who completed an RV7 and also of helping another friend with his RV14 so I do have at least someone helping make sure I’m not completely lost.

I watched a lot of videos too (thank you guys for those!). I’m right not just prepping as much as I can, I’ve started cutting and deburring a lot of the parts for the rudder. Looking good so far.

I’m at Aircraft Spruce picking up some sheets of aluminum to practice more on and also some AZKO primer to get used to that process.

Oh yea, I’m going to be priming my paint. It’s just one of those things that I don’t mind the extra time and I don’t want to look back and say, “man I wish had”.

I’m a school teacher and have had my eye on this project for a very long time and given the fact that we will not be going back to school any time soon, I am so very happy to have something to keep me busy and not watching any tv!
Hi everyone-
First time builder here in southern California. I got my emp kit for the RV-14A last week. Inventory went well but one of the bags was B/O and so I am unable to begin. Literally the piece I am missing out of BAG 3037 is the first piece called for in section 6. (The piece missing is the front spar doubler VS-01401).
I called Van’s and they told me that the cable in the bag was actually the piece on B/O and that it should be ready around July 30. They mentioned that I might consider doing another section of the plane in the meantime. What do you think about that? I’ve read through the plans and it looks like I could start on the rudder and then when the B/O bag gets here in a month I could go back and complete the VS?
PS. I had intended to do a training course but as the COVID-19 virus has shut down all of these EAA classes I am unable to get that experience. I completed the lightbox project and the practice kit they send with the empanage, is there anything else I could maybe do while I wait for the parts that are back ordered?

Dear Allen,
Enjoy your RV14A journey! I completely completed ours about a year & a half ago. Since then we have flown from coast to coast. Your journey will be seemingly long, but keep pressing forward because it will be worth it!

Now to your question or point:
Vans tech support will ALWAYS be correct! They are extremely valuable throughout your complete build! There will always be other unrelated parts to work on. Much is not required to be chronological! Even if you take an item and debut, scotch bright wheel the edges and scuff the item to ready it for primer, you will have moved forward. Keep my moving forward!

Find and know as many coaches or Tech Counselors in your local EAA chapter as possible! They have built and can help you get the show on the road ! This will be far more valuable than any class! Call me any time: 970 640-7287
Bernie Hartnell