
Well Known Member
Van's has released a new, optional throttle handle/grip that is now available for all RV-12iS aircraft. The new handle is an alternative "blade" style design that can be used to replace the "T" style handle that is standard on the aircraft/kit, and has proven popular with some of the factory pilots while testing.

Installation of this new handle, which is compatible with the R-12iS airframe only (not an option for the original RV-12) is simple and a kit is available from Van's that owners can use for retrofit. Order "KIT 12iS THROTTLE GRIP" form the Van's online store.

ELSA customers may order and install this option immediately. The kit includes installation instructions as well as the necessary parts.

For SLSA customers, documentation approving and allowing installation of this optional kit on RV-12iS SLSA aircraft is available on the Van's Safety and Service Information page for the RV-12iS under SL 19-10-30 (note: link added)


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I can see potential for a lot of customizing.

Maybe when I fly with the granddaughters I can install the Mary Poppins Umbrella Throttle Handle...

Van's has released a new, optional throttle handle/grip that is now available for all RV-12iS aircraft. The new handle is an alternative "blade" style design that can be used to replace the "T" style handle that is standard on the aircraft/kit, and has proven popular with some of the factory pilots while testing.

Installation of this new handle, which is compatible with the R-12iS airframe only (not an option for the original RV-12) is simple and a kit is available from Van's that owners can use for retrofit. Order "KIT 12iS THROTTLE GRIP" form the Van's online store.

ELSA customers may order and install this option immediately. The kit includes installation instructions as well as the necessary parts.

For SLSA customers, documentation approving and allowing installation of this optional kit on RV-12iS SLSA aircraft is expected to be released later this week to the Van's Safety and Service Information page for the RV-12iS.



Wonder if it can be leather wrapped?

I'm guessing its made of plastic.
Perhaps its self-explanatory.. but I've only flown with a traditional throttle like in the RV-12 (original). Can you say why its popular with factory pilots? Just the feel of it in your hand?

I can't say I know many planes that have the iS style throttle or the blade so I don't have much to compare here.
Perhaps its self-explanatory.. but I've only flown with a traditional throttle like in the RV-12 (original). Can you say why its popular with factory pilots? Just the feel of it in your hand?

I can't say I know many planes that have the iS style throttle or the blade so I don't have much to compare here.

Greg may have additional info, but the primary motivation for designing the optional handle was to provide additional leg clearance for bigger/taller sized pilots.

Replacing the "t" handle with the narrow blade reduces the likelihood of larger sized pilots bumping it with the leg.

I can't speak for everyone, but I think the company pilots that have preferred the blade handle are the bigger / taller guys. I, and I think the rest of the closer to average size are fine with the T handle which is likely why that is the standard part supplied in the kit.
What Scott said mostly, plus a little bit more. :)

I prefer the blade-style because it lets me rest my hand on it in a position which - especially when flying longer distances - results in a better shoulder position. Formation flying for example for me is a lot less painful on my gosh-darn-old-man shoulder. And it won't catch on your clothing etc if you're moving around. Both are fine, it's just nice to have the option and it's clearly a matter of individual preference. If it was me in my own RV-12iS, I'd get the blade-style handle personally.

We will bring both with us to Sun-n-Fun and OSH this year, so people can check them out. Both probably won't be installed at the shows, but we can provide an opportunity to physically hold them in an assembled state.