
I finally made the plunge and ordered a RV-10 tail/Emennage kit last Friday after sitting on the sidelines for years. I've decided to name the plane "Some Assembly Required". Hope to contribute in the future and pay forward to those who come behind me.

Dave Syvertson
Sugar Land, TX
Welcome, Dave!

Looking forward to seeing you at some Texas lunch fly-outs sometime soon. My sister and her family live less than 10 miles north of you. Let's hook up for lunch sometime.

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Dave - Hope you enjoy the building process as much as I did. I have about 25 hours on my RV-10 and it is worth the effort.

Give me a call if you are ever in Austin and would like a ride (need 15 more hours to finish up phase 1) in an RV-10 or have any questions.

You got it! I'll email you before my next trip down to Houston in the RV.
RV10 also

Best of Luck Dave, I also am having a great time building. I'm about 70 hrs into the project I'm not putting any time frame on the project. When it gets done it gets done... Wishing I was retired so I could have more fun time at the hanger. :) That will come also...
Happy Birthday To Me


Ok, it's a month early, but who cares!

George Henson
RV-10 Empenage
Regina, SK
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