
Well Known Member
This is a totally insignificant observation in the great schem of world affairs but , Doug, if you're looking for ways to improve the readability of the forum, can I suggest getting rid of the feature that doesn't show ALL of the replies in a thread.

I often hit the "new posts" and just scroll down the page and don't see the VERY SMALL notation in the upper frame (I hate frames too, btw) that there are more replies than what I'm seeing.

I usually don't notice it until I read a thread that *I* replied to and it's not there and THEN I see the notation.

I don't understand what the benefit of that feature is (I think it only came along about 5 or 6 months ago) other than to shorten the size of the pages and the size of the pages doesn't bother me much.

But it's hard to see the natural "flow" of a thread when all of the replies aren't displayed with one click.

Just my $.02

I may be the only wacko who does this, but I have my profile set up to list posts in reverse chronological order. That is, newest posts at the top of the thread view.

Bob, I don't know if that even helps, but you might give that a shot.