
Well Known Member
Hartzel pushed my order. Instead of four months, it was more like 4 weeks. Just about when I needed it too. I had to open it and make sure it wasn't a box of bricks.
LOL. Someone I know once bought a new TV and got that very thing.

This thing is heavy!
Hartzel pushed my order. Instead of four months, it was more like 4 weeks. Just about when I needed it too. I had to open it and make sure it wasn't a box of bricks.
LOL. Someone I know once bought a new TV and got that very thing.

This thing is heavy!
View attachment 48119

You're running out of things to get done :)

First flight -- November '23?

You're running out of things to get done :)

First flight -- November '23?

By the way. This thing stinks to high heaven. I don't know if it's the prop or the cardboard but it reeks like some sort of chemical.

Nov 2023
That was my goal but I won't hold my breath.
Maybe early 2024 weather permitting is more realistic.
It's getting close. 95% and 85% to go!
I still have some wire to terminate.
Spinner and Empennage Fairing
Apply vinyl
A few odds and ends like insulating the cowl and Naca SCAT.
Then she can go to the hangar for final assembly, rigging, Electronics set up and testing towards the AWC.
I'll bring the tail parts home for vinyl.
Wings will be done at the hangar.

Hopefully the world will see her at Airventure 2024.
Kind excited.