
Well Known Member
Forget building an RV, I'm going to start building an Ark!


KDAL 301500Z 01022G29KT 2SM R13L/4500VP6000FT +TSRA BR BKN010 BKN015 OVC020CB 19/18 A2998 RMK AO2 PK WND 02029/1500 WSHFT 1441 FRQ LTGICCG ALQDS TS ALQDS MOV SE P0010
I'll Help!

This is absolutely nuts......I am sick of this weather! My father-in-law is a farmer, and he always says that "if it rains on May 1st, it will rain another 15-days in May". Well, his old farmers proverb was right.....and then some... :(
Share the rain!

Wish you Texans would share some of that rain. We have a small bonfire to put out down here in Georgia!
I honestly don't know how people cope in the areas that rain all the time. We're on about day 5 of it here in Texas and I'm really starting to get batty.
DeltaRomeo said:
I honestly don't know how people cope in the areas that rain all the time. We're on about day 5 of it here in Texas and I'm really starting to get batty.
Try western Oregon in February after a typical rainy Pacific Northwest winter :eek:
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DeltaRomeo said:
I honestly don't know how people cope in the areas that rain all the time. We're on about day 5 of it here in Texas and I'm really starting to get batty.
We stay inside and work on building our RVs in the garage. :p

I think you need to start another project to add to the fleet.
Just sitting around

We've been praying hard for rain for weeks now. Today the brown grass crackled under my feet.........yes, send us some please :mad:

the_other_dougreeves said:
Forget building an RV, I'm going to start building an Ark!

Just remember that in order to register your ark, you will still have to complete 51% of the work yourself or the Federal Ark Administration might give you some grief. Oh, and Texas will want their sale tax on the Gopher wood. By the Way, do they make AN fittings in Cubit sizes? :rolleyes:
In Arlington....

For those of you not in the Metroplex, Arlington is smack dab in-between Dallas and Fort Worth. At my house, we have had measurable precipitation on 25 out of 30-days this month. IF I could somehow send it your way, I'd surely do so! :eek:

Doug, with all this rain, you could have had a new -4 empennage done by now and probably started on the wings! :D When's that project kicking off? Have you received clearance from the proper authorities yet (ie: yoga instructor)? :p

Take care,
txaviator said:
snip....Doug, with all this rain, you could have had a new -4 empennage done by now and probably started on the wings! :D When's that project kicking off? Have you received clearance from the proper authorities yet (ie: yoga instructor)? :p ...snip
In time, Grasshopper :D. I bet w/in 6mo.....LOTS of stuff to do first (tile bathroom, tile kitchen countertops, and a million other house things....oh, and clean the garage <big grin>).

Oh yeah, and install the interior of my flying-for-five-years RV-6 :D .

DeltaRomeo said:
In time, Grasshopper :D. I bet w/in 6mo.....LOTS of stuff to do first (tile bathroom, tile kitchen countertops, and a million other house things....oh, and clean the garage <big grin>).

Oh yeah, and install the interior of my flying-for-five-years RV-6 :D .

Hey, if you're bored, you can always come work on my project :D
DeltaRomeo said:
LOTS of stuff to do first ... tile kitchen countertops

I highly recommend not tiling the countertops. Ours are a royal pain in the rear to keep clean.
Meant the backsplash <g>. We have some fake looking granite thing on the counter that we put on about a year ago.

So many home projects..... Dang.
txaviator said:
For those of you not in the Metroplex, Arlington is smack dab in-between Dallas and Fort Worth. At my house, we have had measurable precipitation on 25 out of 30-days this month. IF I could somehow send it your way, I'd surely do so! :eek:

Here in middle Georgia, unless something drastic happens in the next 7.5 hours, we will have had our first May ever with NO measureable rain. Add to that the smoke from the forest fires that has our area covered today, and you have a miserable situation. Maybe if all you Texans with RV's would form a north/south line on the ground with your planes pointing due west and do a run-up... :)
Not to rub salt in your TX wounds but....

In Oregon were haven't see much rain in a couple of weeks. :p
We are starting to sweat because the temp are in the mid 80's. :D
The worst part about this weather, is that I was in NC for a week and missed some of it. :eek:

kentb said:
In Oregon were haven't see much rain in a couple of weeks. :p
We are starting to sweat because the temp are in the mid 80's. :D
The worst part about this weather, is that I was in NC for a week and missed some of it. :eek:

Oh, how I miss summers in the Willamette Valley .... VFR weather pretty much every day with almost no afternoon cloud buildup. Mild temps at night, not that hot during the day (well, they did hit 107F a few years ago), lots of sunshine.

And today, I had to smile when I actually saw ... *gasp* a shadow! Sunshine!
the_other_dougreeves said:
snip....And today, I had to smile when I actually saw ... *gasp* a shadow! Sunshine!

....and 90% humidity :mad: . It is nice to see the Sun again, I have to admit.
After I fixed my nose gear this morning I hopped in the plane hoping just to go around the patch. ATIS is NOTAM'd out at LZU so I called ground for the Wx. IFR at noon on a nice day here in GA! Smoke from the wild fires makes it up here (200 miles away). He wouldn't even let me go Special V for a trip around the pattern due to IFR traffic inbound.

We need the rain - BAD! Our grass is D-E-A-D. But it's good for me at work - no TRWs makes for easier dispatching especially at our hub stations... unless you're working DFW area lately. You guys have been getting pounded night after night!
Sun Gods mad at us

We have been trying desparately to paint this first plane for nearly 12 weekends. Between a wierd freeze in late April, rain and high humidity forever, we are about to go crazy. We attempted to shoot the wings two weekends ago and it was touch and go on the paint and after about 4 hours, the darn paint ran. Spent last weekend sanding this all off the wings (while it poured rain outside). Maybe the next two weekends, we can get a break and paint this Sherwin-Williams Jet-glo on the plane and get it ready for inspection to fly.
I have a much better appreciation for paint shops and the work that goes into the job. I agree that preparation is 90% of the paint job but the weather is playing a 100% game with us right now.

Maybe the wings could be adapted as roll and pitch "flopper stoppers" on the ARK.

Pat Garboden
Ozark, MO.
RV9-A 942WG (reserved) Awaiting paint in monsoon capital, Wichita, KS.
Rv9-A 942PT (reserved) wiring
What it this rain you speak of?

Month to date (May 07) precipitation at KSCK - 0.04"

One day last week the humidity was 9%, and I'm still worrying about primer...
No let up in sight for the rain. I'm trying to figure out how to widen the fuse bulkheads and add seat ribs to accommodate the weight of all those animals for my ark. Guess we really lucked out on Sunday, eh?

KDAL 261204Z 261212 16012KT P6SM VCSH OVC010CB
FM1300 16012KT 5SM SHRA OVC010CB
FM1600 16012KT P6SM OVC025
FM1700 16012KT P6SM BKN035
FM2100 16012KT P6SM VCTS BKN035CB
FM0000 15007KT P6SM BKN035
FM0600 14007KT 5SM RA OVC020
Tile...... :(


PLEASE don't mention tile......I just bought 1,000 square feet of it today and the thoughts of laying that much tile are about to make me cry :(

BTW, I have an electric/water tile saw if you need to borrow one.
Rain, Rain, Raim

A mass of clouds and rain moved in West of Austin last night and stopped in place, rained all night. Marble Falls has reports of 18", yes 18" of rain overnight. Roads closed, people on rooftops. Lake travis went up 5' overnight and is rising, floodgates opens. Scary situation.
Yet another glorious day of convective precip. Made it over to 52F with my neighbor at ADS and fellow CT owner in his plane, flew over a very swollen lake Lewisville. Landed right after Jay and Carol and had a leisurely lunch. Made it back to ADS between cells and finished my practice riveting. Came home for a walk on the treadmill when *BOOM* the TS passed overhead. Sadly, I'm getting the hang of this routine... :rolleyes:
txaviator said:
For those of you not in the Metroplex, Arlington is smack dab in-between Dallas and Fort Worth. At my house, we have had measurable precipitation on 25 out of 30-days this month. IF I could somehow send it your way, I'd surely do so! :eek:

Salt Lake City has now gone approx. 22 days without a drop of water falling from the sky. My lawn is drying up, and it's hitting around 100 degrees every day. Humidity doesn't get much past 15%, and even down to six. Please send some rain! :D