
Well Known Member
Mike Busch' Savvy Aviator has introduced a new online (free) engine data analysis package called Savvy Analysis.
It will upload data from most of the commonly used engine monitors. It has a few pretty cool features:

1. It will figure out your airports of departure and arrival from embedded lat/lon data in your data file
2. It will calculate your flight time and display all your flights in a logbook format
3. Your data is stored online and can be accessed anywhere
4. Data is private, but can be made public and shared with others for troubleshooting
5. There is a nice GAMI spread feature for calculating the difference in fuel flow between your leanest and richest cylinders
6. You can chart whatever parameters you want and it autoscales nicely
7. You can easily zoom in to regions / time intervals of interest

The only thing I didn't like are that when panning the chart, the autoscale is a bit disorienting.

(Soapbox Alert) I think calling it an Analysis Tool is a little bit of a stretch - it is more of a DISPLAY tool (with the exception of the GAMI spread feature). IMHO, all of the engine monitor data analyzers I have played with seem to miss the boat on ANALYSIS - such as determining long term trends. Example - on my engine, cylinder 3 always peaks first and runs hottest, and cylinder 4 always runs coolest. If this ever changed it would be nice to know, as this would be worth investigating. Having this change could be the result of an induction leak or a plugged injector. In other words, an ANALYSIS tool should spit out some RESULTS rather than just displaying charts of your raw DATA. Another simple example would be calculating the MPG for a trip or leg. There is so much to be mined from all of the raw data we are all collecting, hopefully Savvy will add some features in the near future to make this product stand up to its name a little more. (OK, off my soap box now).

So, one of the coolest features is being able to share data and have others easily look at it. Here is a link to my last flight, 900 miles in 4.65 hours with a nice tailwind at 11-15 KMSL:
Curious to see if anybody has any comments or concerns about anything in the data...