
Legacy Member
August 1, 2015

Bio Sciences Inc (ticker symbol BS) today introduces UltraRelief, its newest product for the experimental aircraft market. UltraRelief replaces the outdated pilot relief tube, offering enhanced functionality and convenience, as well as new features designed to improve the flying experience.

Comfort is enhanced by UltraRelief's fully automatic aperture. Sensors detect the required diameter, and the subminiature processor commands the BS-patented electronic aperture to resize as necessary. A visco-elastic coating ensures comfort, and the built in rarefaction generator enhances sealing and evacuation.

The unit's built-in timer reminds the pilot of his biological needs on a regular interval, thus eliminating the health risks associated with Yellow Eyeball Syndrome (YES). A GPS-enabled time-distance function warns him of the aircraft's proximity to the arrival airport, guaranteeing he will never again be required to make a demanding crosswind landing while squeezing his knees together.

The UltraRelief is also kind to the environment. A humidity sensor informs the processor when the aircraft crosses an arid region of the planet. After lighting an information symbol on the aircraft EFIS, a mixer inside the carbon fiber storage tank blends silver iodide into the contents, then automatically ejects the mixture into the atmosphere. The resulting rain clouds promote vegetation and may ultimately help reduce world hunger. The system may also be user-programmed for ordinary ejection without iodide, but only when the ground mapping radar fails to detect upscale suburban habitation, or an airport.

The rarefaction generator is adjustable via an infinite variety of software settings. User programmed options include pulsed rarefaction, pressure drop, and exact control of the built-in aperture heating element. Users should carefully evaluate the entertainment possibilities within the context of pilot workload. This function should not be activated within Class B airspace, within the confines of towered airspace, or when flying an instrument approach to minimums, as doing so may generate ALPA letters.

The unit may be ordered in any color desired, including pink and rainbow. Special extended-length models are available for those without fighter pilot experience, or for nosewheel aircraft. Please specify the required distance from the floorboard to the aperture.

Installation of the UltraRelief is limited to Experimental Amateur Built aircraft. The introductory price is only $2795. Orders accompanied by a 25% deposit will be accepted immediately. Production is expected to commence sometime in 2016, or 2017, or maybe 2018; purchasers will be informed of progress via regular Oshkosh announcements. Please visit our display in AirVenture Building "E".
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Can I be the first to order one???

Yes, of course. Given your background, may I suggest a special model with minimal distance between aperture and floor?

We call it the "FIGHTER ACE" (FIrefiGHTER Aperture Connection Equipage).
Dan, you need to build another airplane - something to keep you busy. You clearly have too much time on your hands. :)
I am a little disappointed, I always thought of Dan as an Engineers Engineer.

It appears he is really a Scientist with a Phd at a prestigious college.
Loss of self esteem


Instead of the relief timer, I'd suggest a bladder over pressure sensor. Your device is an important safety enhancement for all aircraft as a bladder over pressure emergency procedure can result in severe loss of self esteem.
The timing of the announcement caught me by surprise. I didn't expect this to be announced until early April.

great device. Poor customer service. I had trouble with installation and the technical representative said "we only support dealer installations so that the customer can receive actual hands on training"
And, I have it on good authority that there is a "pleasure" module that Dan's skunk works is developing to be a low cost ($999.99) add on to the basic unit.

Dan is looking for beta testers at the moment....................
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I'm trying to think of an appropriate response....

.... But can't see through the tears of laughter. I must say, combining the UltraRelief with a Stick Shaker may revolutionize solo flying .... Not to mention cure the pilot shortage in future years.
addressing a need

Dan, I applaud your response to a problem that people are all too reluctant to discuss.

Those of us who fly RVs know how difficult it is to answer that "call of nature" while airborne. Even the "A" model pilots have the difficulty of opening the canopy at least 2" to prevent uncomfortable pinching. In the tailwheel airplanes the necessary 4 to 6" opening, and the huge increase in profile drag as the relevant appendage is exposed to the slipstream can make it difficult or impossible to maintain altitude even at METO power.

I'm sure all of the tailwheel pilots on the forum have learned the hard way to remain firmly seated to prevent uncomfortable (or potentially damaging) contact with the empennage.

Thank you for raising awareness of this problem that affects us all.
And, I have it on good authority that there is a "pleasure" module that Dan's skunk works is developing to be a low cost ($999.99) add on to the basic unit.

Oh no...it's standard:

User programmed options include pulsed rarefaction, pressure drop, and exact control of the built-in aperture heating element.

Proof positive that adding software to do an otherwise simple task is not just mental masturbation.

Dan is looking for beta testers at the moment........

We keep all testing in-house to protect our closely held secrets ;)
.... I must say, combining the UltraRelief with a Stick Shaker may revolutionize solo flying .... Not to mention cure the pilot shortage in future years.

As well as the obvious increase in flight safety since practicing stalls would become such a pleasurable activity.

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And the Joy Stick controller -


I just saw you started a crowd funding campaign for the UltraRelief on Kickstarter. The money should start Flowing soon.:D
UltraRelief sounds like a novel concept, but really, do we need to reinvent the astronaut diaper? Lisa Nowak probably has a few spares she could sell ya! :):)
Sounds like it, uh, could be useful out of the plane. Is there an available battery pack?
To be honest, I'm not sure how successful this new technology will be. For some, I guess it all just depends.
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