
Active Member
I've been an lurker/wisher on Doug's site for the past several months. Now that I'm a member of the forums and I placed my RV-7 tail kit order yesterday (5/1/08), I just wanted to introduce myself and ask my first question. I'm sure there will be many more questions to come.

I'm a young engineer working for Air Tractor in Olney, TX designing and building the best agricultural aircraft and firefighting aircraft in the world. I live in the tiny town of Windthorst, TX (population 447) where I was born and raised. As far as I can tell, I'm at least a two hour drive from the nearest EAA chapter and at least a 45 mile drive from the nearest RV builder.

I have had my PPL for a little over 2 years now. I decided to build a kitplane for several reasons. The biggest reason is probably the same as everyone else here: to build an airplane that I can fly and maintain that provides the most bang for my buck. Another big reason is that I firmly believe that building this airplane will make me a better engineer than any amount of college hours could ever do. There we go, "recreation and education" just like the FARs say.

Anyway, to my question: I just ordered my tail kit yesterday. How long should I expect for it to arrive in N. Texas and approximately what will the shipping be? I would appreciate any feedback so I can plan appropriately.

Welcome, Kyle! I got my tail kit a week after I ordered it (of course that was a few years ago).

Hey Kyle, welcome aboard.

I know Texas is pretty big, but with as many RV's as there down there, I am surprised to see you are 45 miles from the nearest builder. Have you looked in the white pages on this site, you can scope out the Texas builders.
My factory.... hands down Air Tractor! Welcome here Kyle....I'm on my fourth Air Tractor...a 502 having started in 1979 with a 1340 301, then a 301A, a 400 PT-6 and now in my 502....great workhorses.

My fun airplane is a two year old -6A....

Great choice you've made.

Tell Leland "Hi" from me,

My 9 emp kit took about a week to get to Dayton. Shipping was right around $120 if I recall correctly.

Welcome to the forums and congrats on ordering the tail kit! I finally have the resources/tools available and will be starting a -3 tail kit in a few short weeks. Interesting you work for Air Tractor. As a current Agribusiness college student with a pilot's license, I have kept agricultural aviation in mind as a career field. Good luck!
Thanks for the welcome

I just wanted to thank everybody for the welcome to

I appreciate the feedback and support you all give around here. Doug, thanks for giving all of us a place to come with our questions and a place to share our opinions. Also, thanks to Mike S. for pointing me toward the White Pages. I will get my info sent to Doug soon.

Well, it looks like my emp. kit will be arriving quicker than expected. Fedex sent me a notification that it should be here today. That's only 4 days after I ordered it. Now thats service.

I look forward to getting to know you all better and hopefully visit many of you to see your projects first hand.



You have made a good choice in the RV 7. Welcome to the family.
If you come to Hicks for a burger or to buy tools from Avery, please stop in my hanger, 584, we have three 7s, and 2 8s building now, lots to look at.
Hicks airport is north of Fort Worth,TX
C'mon Down, ya hear?

If you make the trek down into the metroplex be sure and stop in Azle. I'm also an engineer (an older, very distinguished one:rolleyes:), A&P and -4 builder. I'll show you lot's of ways to NOT construct an RV!