I have slowed my building while flying more. My procrastination seems to have saved me having to drill out fuse skin rivets to put on the doubler. Glad to see the fix looks not too bad.
Besides the skin doublers you also have the extra doubler plates below the gear legs with new longer bolts. Is that to create some extra distance to the skin doublers?
Where are you guys seeing this? I see nothing posted later than the Sep 26th issuance, with the contained addendum issued Oct 3rd. No details on any doublers in the SB. Now I do see in the revised plans sections about the doublers, but that is for new construction, not for a retrofit (?). I would expect to see a service bulletin that would cover flying aircraft - correct? If you have a flying aircraft, you are not looking at every revised plans page and trying to figure out if it is something you should install (?)
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FedEx box...

...was just left on my front step. Contains SB 12-11-09 instructions (30 pages) doublers, bags of hardware. Applies to all RV-12 models, flying aircraft that have completed SB-12-09-26 and found no damage may complete at, or before next annual.

Looks like quite a bit of fun. I just sat down with a Black Label to start reading.

There should be some interesting discussion of this, is this the right thread or should we go back to the original thread to keep all this info together?

Looks to me like the new drawing sets are posted on the website, but not SB 12-11-09 yet. So we have new drawings, but no instructions. And, of course, no parts until delivered. Tony, did you get the new sections 20, 21, 23, 25, 35 that are posted on the website?

I look forward to your pictures.


I was referring to the revised plans for chapters 20, 21, 23, 25, and 35. Which is all we have for now.

Good to hear the upgrade kits are already being shipped out, but can't say I'm looking forward to drilling out all those rivets. :(
Tony, will the doublers require trimming back the bottom wing skin a bit more?