
Active Member
Hey gang!!
I bought a nice RV-6 this past weekend. Its a tip up with a Lyc O-360 and FP Prop. My previous RV was an 8 that I built. Air on the ground was not an issue with the 8....this tip up thing cooked me on the ground at 74*F!!! it is too heavy to just ride around while holding it open. I know there's gotta be a better way...HAHAHA!!! please tell me the secret...
Also, today was my first time flying it. Very heavy left wing with full (even) fuel. My 8 had a heavy wing and I remember there was a trick for fixing I recall I put two paint stirrers on the trailing edge of the aileron and then used an edge seamer to "crimp" the trailing edge..I just can't remember which aileron to "adjust"!! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You will learn to taxi with the canopy latch resting on the roll bar. This creates very good airflow even in the houston, tx heat. The first purchace you will need is the sliding canopy shade, extra wide version. I also taxi out of the hangar, after getting strapped in and while in the shade. I like the tip up better than the sliders i have flown. Squeeze the light aileron very gently. It does not take much to make a huge difference.


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Koger sunshade

Man, I flew my -6 for a couple years before I bought the sunshade, then let the shade sit in the packaging for another six months...boy was that dumb!

Hands down the best addition for comfort in my airplane! I do sometime taxi propped up...if I spin my overhead handle around I can prop the canopy on the rollbar...

It?s a -6, not an -8, Joel: you sure you don?t have a heavy pilot and not a heavy wing? Might want to fly with an equally sized passenger with even fuel to set a proper baseline.

Just a word of caution before you go crazy on that wing, BTDT. :p
You will learn to taxi with the canopy latch resting on the roll bar. This creates very good airflow even in the houston, tx heat. The first purchace you will need is the sliding canopy shade, extra wide version. I also taxi out of the hangar, after getting strapped in and while in the shade. I like the tip up better than the sliders i have flown. Squeeze the light aileron very gently. It does not take much to make a huge difference.




Never had an issue getting good airflow in my tipper if you prop it open like this.

Also, don't be too quick to squeeze the aileron edges. I suggests squeezing only to achieve flat surfaces leading up to the bend. Van's docs show concave or convex shaping from over or under squeezing the bend. This is easy to observe with a straight edge. Also, do this with the elevators as well. It really tamed the pitch sensitivity on my 6 when I started IFR training. The 6's were not pre-drilled, therefore likelihood of misaligned hinges is far more likely than on an 8. Do some research on this before squeezing too much. A hinge off by 1/32 to 1/16 is enough to cause a heavy wing.

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6's were not pre-drilled
you probably mean not pre-punched. My later series -6 had pre-drilled tail and wings. As well as counterweighted rudder, full swivel TW, etc, reasons I call it a -6 1/2 :)

I can?t figure out how to post a picture to this but if you will call me or email me I will send you my solution to ventilation in my rv6.

Dave Shenk
[email protected]
Crack open the canopy as mentioned. No sunscreen.
Its a sporty convertible. why cover that up?
I glued a thick piece of rubber under the latch so it would not be a metal to metal contact. It made a world of difference for taxiing with the canopy on the latch.
you probably mean not pre-punched. My later series -6 had pre-drilled tail and wings. As well as counterweighted rudder, full swivel TW, etc, reasons I call it a -6 1/2 :)

Did YOU mean pre-punched?? and, if I remember, it was only the skins that were pre-punched.
pre-drilled in the meaning that the holes were not @ final size, unlike some other kits. Guess we could call ?em pre-holed ;)
Yep, skins only, but certainly a big help as compared to counterdrill thru the ribs or top drill and hope for the hole to be in between flutes and flange centered...