
Active Member
Hello All,

I recently bought an RV-4 with a fairly basic panel. I want to do a complete glass panel eventually but having just bought this - I dont have THAT kind of money to spend right now.

But- I do have some that I could at least get started and here's what I'm thinking... Dual G5's, Garmin Autopilot, Garmin GPS Unit (leaning towards Garmin GPS 175... but more on that below), and I will then keep the steam engine gauges, my GTX 327, and SL40.

I have a few questions for the brain trust:

- Am I spinning my wheels here? Should I just wait until I can do it all?

- Should I spring for the GNC or GNX GPS instead of the GPS175? (I dont have ADS-B)

- The aircraft DID come with an uninstalled echoUAT setup, still new in the box... So I'm wondering if I just use that with the GTX 327 or bail on it and go GNX375. I could probably then sell the UAT unit and the 327.

- Are there any other options I am missing here?

- My plan would be to install most of this myself with someone looking over my shoulder - Stein would do the harnesses and the panel fab. Is this the way to go?

- I've got about 15k to play with at the moment. Am I dreaming?

I am attaching a mockup of what I have in mind as well as a photo of what I have currently.

Thanks everyone... I'm pretty new to aircraft ownership - but I love my RV-4 so far!


The Mockup


Current Panel
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You will not be able to install the three radios on the left as depicted, there is a structural cross brace running behind the panel that will be in the way. Generally you can get two on either side without running out of real estate on the top of the panel.

I would install the echo and enjoy the plane as is for awhile, it might give you a chance to better evaluate what you need.

Trying to do a partial upgrade and then re-doing it later may create a whole lot more work and expense.

I also wouldn’t buy anything in advance, something better will invariably come out when you are ready to install.
My immediate reaction to your proposed panel would be (and without being able to call to mind the structure behind the panel)...

1) ditch the steam ALT/ASI. In my first plane I kept them in place around the EFIS. They're handy for a cross-check but you'll never look at them except as a cross-check. Send them off to their happy place. Go digital and don't look back. In my second airplane there isn't a single analog gauge of any form or function. I don't mourn the loss of the analog gauges, not one bit.

2) put the G5's side by side at the top of the panel, then the navigator beneath them, then the autopilot controller. This will give you the best situational awareness

3) if structural barriers limit installation of radios, consider going to different radios. As examples, the Trig TT22 transponder could be remote-mounted with TC20 control head mounted up where the ELT remote control is located. Same goes for a TY91 or TY92 comm radio. The control head is quite small, a flattened version of a 2 1/4" instrument, so the two control heads would take up less space than two of your round engine instruments. Going with these two radios would save you a ton of space in the panel and quite a bit of weight, too.

4) doing an avionics upgrade in stages takes careful planning so you don't end up re-inventing the wheel several times. It's just a LOT easier to do it all at once.

5) don't be afraid to look at other vendors. As an example, a GRT HXr EFIS would be a good fit in that panel, allowing you to remote-mount the comm and transponder, controlling them through the EFIS. Going this route would give you MUCH more glass, plus you could ditch all those steam engine gauges and install the EIS-66R and display engine gauges on the EFIS. Imagine having one display with PFD and overlayed HSI on one side, moving map on the other and engine instruments across the bottom. Beautiful integration on one slice of glass.

6) most importantly, you didn't state the intended mission for this aircraft. Above all, mission dictates the avionics you'll install. Function drives form. Don't get hung up on the pretty shiny toys until you have let the mission define which toys are needed in the airplane and which ones are simply "wants".

As has been mentioned above, install the bare minimum for now and fly it for a year or so. This will allow you to get a better handle on how you use the airplane, which of its features please you and which frustrate you, and how your personally fit in the airplane. This latter part is important as you want your panel design to be comfortable and easy to use.

Good luck and enjoy the new airplane!
This would be a very functional setup for the RV4, AP is optional or as funds allow.


Don't discount a basic G3X setup either, 2 G5's cost as much as a 7" screen and the G3X offer a lot more features even with a single screen....

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6) most importantly, you didn't state the intended mission for this aircraft. Above all, mission dictates the avionics you'll install. Function drives form. Don't get hung up on the pretty shiny toys until you have let the mission define which toys are needed in the airplane and which ones are simply "wants".

As has been mentioned above, install the bare minimum for now and fly it for a year or so. This will allow you to get a better handle on how you use the airplane, which of its features please you and which frustrate you, and how your personally fit in the airplane. This latter part is important as you want your panel design to be comfortable and easy to use.

Good luck and enjoy the new airplane!

Wow, thanks for the good insight... The mission is to make it an IFR Airplane. The truth is, I probably wont have to fly it in IMC too terribly much - but, having that option is never a bad thing. This setup, I believe would give me a solid IFR platform that can be built on in the future... but - I also wouldn't HAVE to build on it either.
Don't discount a basic G3X setup either, 2 G5's cost as much as a 7" screen and the G3X offer a lot more features even with a single screen....


Thanks Walt! I am wondering if the G5's is just sort of silly given the price of the G3X. This is really the only thing giving me pause at this point.