Scotty G

Well Known Member
The shop I chose asked me to sit in for a day to make sure the camouflage went on to my liking.

First, what a great learning experience!

Second, to have a hand in it and be able to ensure the scheme was (97%) correct, was a real benefit.

They sprayed all the camo from 8am to 145pm - that’s four total colors with three painters. Several times they were shooting three colors at once.

And even the pro’s make boo-boo’s! Twice they began with the wrong color. LOL. Hey, everyone makes mistakes!

Overall, I’m very, very pleased with how my design came out. They even asked me to paint part of it, which I begrudgingly agreed to. Brought back my model building days and airbrushing. I think when they saw I kind of knew what I was doing, they wanted me to do more. I politely deferred. :D

Anyway, enjoy a few of the pics I snapped...


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That's the way it's supposed to go!

Hey all,

I expect many of you saw my video of woe, but the plane's been repainted, and like Scotty I was able to help.

I'd strongly advise to do what Scotty did and be involved!

Lance, it warms my cockles that you’re on your way to Paint Recovery. Awesome!

Being able to get in the booth and have a say on where the lines are, how thick they are, etc., was a TREMENDOUS advantage and probably saved a lot of heartache on my part, and pain/anger on the crew’s part. We worked well as a team.

Each will be getting a bottle of tequila and a $100 gift card as a personal thanks.