
Well Known Member
Here are a couple of teaser shots of my new paint job by John Stahr. I'm on my final leg home so when I get back, I'll take a complete set of pictures. There are a ton of little details built into the scheme that are not evident in these pictures. There are four shades of red on many of the parts along with black, silver, and gold. More to come in a couple of days.


Very nice!

Randy that looks like you for sure. Can't wait to see more.
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New Paint

Nice job Randy, well done! You are a class Act & an inspiration for all on VAF!

Lloyd Burson
An RV-12 adventure

Congratulations, Randy. What an accomplishment! Across the country twice in an LSA and a beautiful paint job to boot! I second the thought of Lloyd who said you're a class act and an inspiration for all on VAF! I notice you made it home, so get plenty of rest...and then tell us about your adventure.
Congratulations, Randy. What an accomplishment! Across the country twice in an LSA and a beautiful paint job to boot! I second the thought of Lloyd who said you're a class act and an inspiration for all on VAF! I notice you made it home, so get plenty of rest...and then tell us about your adventure.

Thank you.

Part one of the trip is here. Part two is here. Part three will be posted tomorrow.

A shot of the twins. My goal with my paint scheme was to create a twin to my Cobra. The name for the Cobra is "Red Venom". So the name for the RV-12 became "Red Venom 2".


John painted the logo on the vertical stab. It is fairly muted.


The log is also painted on both prop blades.


Front wheel pant.


Ah, the kiss. There's a story behind that. When I left on my trip, my wife kissed the side of my canopy frame, said, fly safe, and told me that she would always be with me on my trip. When John saw that and heard the story, he said that we had to duplicate that in paint.


The wheel pants have cobras leaping out from the black on the bottom.


The complete story of the trip out and back, along with all my pictures, can be found on my web site here if you are interested. Thank you for all the kind comments. I hope to see you at AirVenture this year.
Well, that's one of a kind, for sure!

Edit: ... or maybe that should be two of a kind!
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Love the Red

Randy, what paint system did John use? Also, do you have the spec for that red? It's drop dead gorgeous! I have a red, silver, dark silver scheme and that red is perfect for it.
Randy, what paint system did John use? Also, do you have the spec for that red? It's drop dead gorgeous! I have a red, silver, dark silver scheme and that red is perfect for it.

There are four shades of red. The primary red is 4240 cherry red metallic, which is a longstanding corvette color. If you check out the story I provide more details on paint used and the techniques john used.
Words fail me...but a poor approximation would be "That's drop-dead gorgeous!"
I know I wrote you a few years back after you got your Rocket painted and said something similar, and the Rocket was gorgeous too, but I like this one more.
Thanks for sharing!
There are four shades of red. The primary red is 4240 cherry red metallic, which is a longstanding corvette color. If you check out the story I provide more details on paint used and the techniques john used.

I will do that. Thanks!
Amazing attention to detail....not to mention that that took some god given talent to pull off as well!
Just finished re-weighing the airplane following paint. I gained 11 lbs. New empty weight is 765 lbs. The center of gravity shifted aft by . 61 inches. New CG datum is 80.89.

I can live with that. That includes all the options plus full leather interior and side panels.
A shift of .6" seems like a lot for 11 lbs of paint that would be expected to be fairly evenly distributed along the longitudinal axis. Might be correct, but it seems too big a shift.
A shift of .6" seems like a lot for 11 lbs of paint that would be expected to be fairly evenly distributed along the longitudinal axis. Might be correct, but it seems too big a shift.
It moves aft because there is a lot more paint applied behind the CG then in front of it.
If I did the math right the paint center of gravity would have to be at about 125" from datum. Of course there is some inherent scale error too. (11 pounds is only 1.5% of the empty weight.) Not a big deal. Just thought I would throw the comment out for consideration
If I did the math right the paint center of gravity would have to be at about 125" from datum. Of course there is some inherent scale error too. (11 pounds is only 1.5% of the empty weight.) Not a big deal. Just thought I would throw the comment out for consideration

If you look at the amount of surface area aft of the CG, it would be hard to imagine that the CG would NOT move aft. As to the amount, I have no idea. It is what it is. I've weighed a number of airplanes before so I'm comfortable with the accuracy. YMMV.
The creative ability of the folks in the RV world never ceases to amaze me. I have trouble hammering a nail straight.
Given your wonderful attention to detail, you will likely not be happy with the Van's stick-on engine control labels. See this post for a plate I had made at a trophy shop. "Engraving" has come a loooooong way from what it used to be - totally different technology. Also you might slot the engine control holes, see the second link. Likely would not get noticed at inspection...

Airventure 2014

... Thank you for all the kind comments. I hope to see you at AirVenture this year.

Randy, I predict multiple awards for Red Venom 2 at Oshkosh this year. I will be surprised if you don't win at least one. We'll be rooting for you! :D

I have admired your handiwork for many years.
Curious how one would could/would win 'multiple awards' at Osh :confused:. Stan Dzik?

Randy, I predict multiple awards for Red Venom 2 at Oshkosh this year. I will be surprised if you don't win at least one. We'll be rooting for you! :D

I have admired your handiwork for many years.
Randy, I predict multiple awards for Red Venom 2 at Oshkosh this year. I will be surprised if you don't win at least one. We'll be rooting for you! :D

I have admired your handiwork for many years.

Thanks for the sentiments Don. I'm not really trying to win any awards. I don't really play that game very well. I just enjoy showing up and meeting many of my fellow RV'ers and admiring all their handiwork. I get more neat ideas from AirVenture than anywhere else.
Curious how one would could/would win 'multiple awards' at Osh :confused:. Stan Dzik?

Okay, Herr Rick, I respect the fact that you are a homebuilt judge and master RV builder and that you have probably forgotten more than I will ever know about building an RV.

With that being said, I will admit that last night when I posted the above, I thought that you Airventure judges sometimes give awards to the same airplane in different categories, like best metal work, or best homebuilt, or best LSA, etc. Without perusing the Airventure Homebuilt Awards files or the rules that govern judging, I yield to your vastly superior experience and ask that you and all the other 19,000 VAF readers ignore my comment which was typed much too quickly. Maybe it's Sun'n Fun or some of the regional fly-ins that have done that in the past. I goofed. Sorry.

Bottom line, though, remains unchanged: I like Randy's workmanship. I appreciate that he didn't build it to win awards. I like that he built it to fly and enjoy. I like the fact that he has overcome serious health issues and is enjoying life one day at a time, just as you are.

That's all for me. Thanks for listening.

P.S. Stan Dzik played two years of Minor league baseball and had a .234 batting average over those two seasons. He was born in 1941.
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Canopy / Rear window / Rollbar paint

Randy, your plane looks great. I saw it at the Vetterman fly-in. I wish I had paid more attention to how you painted the canopy-rear window and rollbar.

It looks like you painted a band across the rear of the canopy, the front of the rear window and the top side of the rollbar. Your plane is about the only one I've seen done this way and it looks great. It seems on most RV-12's the rollbar is visible through the canopy and rear window.

Would you please provide specifics and/or a picture of the way you did the canopy and rear window paint.

Hi Rick,

The leading edge of the trim is painted on the canopy far enough forward to cover the rivets and block out the underlying structure. On the aft window, the line is about 1 inch wide and the corners are rounded off. The paint on the rollover structure covers the rivets and leaves about 1/4" of the interior paint showing. I covered this area with 3M clear tape to protect it from being scratched off by the canopy when opened and closed.

I can get you some detail pictures is needed just let me know.