
Active Member
Just purchased my first RV-6. Flew it from Mesa, AZ to Pascagoula,MS. Really like the plane may be asking some questions as I learn it.
Welcome, Larry; you won't have any problem getting info from the incredibly knowledgeable people on this forum. I came to RV ownership like you did; as a newbie buyer, and I truly don't know what I would have done without the resources provided here. You're in the right place:)
Wow, beautiful plane! Love the colors. Congrats. New with RV6 myself. I know why you love it!
Thanks for the comments. I am pleased with it. Prior I have owned 172, and Piper Arrow. I built a Weight Shift Trike from plans and had it certified as experimental. Got tired of the high cost of certified planes, and with my mechanical background, I feel comfortable doing repairs and work on it. I have several friends who are A&P's and IA's. So I have people to help give me direction when I need. I think that is the key. Kow your limits and ask and learn all you can.

I am a commercial pilot by trade, and have time in Land, Sea, and Multi Aircraft. However, I only had 5 hours of tailwheel time. My insurance people got me covered and wanted 5 hours of dual. I was able to get with a friend who is a CFI and owns a RV6 and due to weather we aere able to get 3 hours in. I then flew about and hour with the owner, with him showing me the plane. Went ahead and flew it home, 9 hours from Mesa, AZ to Gautier, MS with several stops along the way. Called the insurance people and told ythem I was not able to get the 5 hours, but had 3 dual , 1 with owner and 16 hours in type. She got with the underwriter and he accepted those hours and training so then I was covered. Now I have a about 30 hours in RV6. Landings are fairly docile in the three point configuration. Handled direct crosswing of about 12 kts with a three point and it went well. Love the challenge and try to make each landing better.

Now about the plane. I looked at several RV4 and 6's Made a few offers but none were accepted except for one in PA. I believe it was a decent plane just times were more than I wanted. This plane was started in about 1993 and Special Airworthiness was issued in 2006. The owne I bought it from was the builder. He is an aeronautical engineer and A&P and had the patience to complete the build over that time. Don't know that I could have done that. Very nice workmanship, 380 hours on Airframe and Engine. Metal prop. It fairly light for the RV6 at 1038 but the cg is little further back. Plan of weighing it and verifying the numbers. It has Lycoming 0320D2J which is the factory 160hp. They originally did not come with a engine mounted fuel pump. He had the accesory case sent off and machined to accept the fuel pump and got the accesory drive gears to operate it. Numbers are good, I am seeing 2500 rpm, 150 kts at about 8.5 gph, and if I pull it back to 2100, I see 130 kts at about 7 gph.

Thanks again for the comments
and if I can answer any questions or tell more about my search for a sutiable able RV, let me know
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Welcome to the club! I don't think they make a bad RV.

Looks like you got a nice one.

Have fun with it and be safe!


Congrats on the purchase Larry! I'm discussing a possible purchase of a very similarly outfitted RV-6. While I am aware of how much these kits cost to build, I can't figure out a good way to determine market value. How did you arrive at a purchase price? I want to give a fair price...but also protect my investment if I decide to sell down the line...Thanks!

Determining market value or how to much to pay. That is the $100,000.00 question there. These are just my opinions and thoughts. In a previous life I was a salesman of various industrial and automotive equipment. The price of of an item is related to supply and demand. But the overall factor is, "What the market will bear."

I just wrote 3 paragraphs on my search but you probably didn't want to hear all of that. So I deleted them. What it boils down to, is set yourself a limit that you are willing to pay. Don't be in a hurry, when you find the one you want, make an offer on it. But do after investigating, and asking as many questions as you have. Find a knowledgeable A&P to look at it. Don't forget the paperwork. It has to have a Pink Special Airworthiness Certificate, and Operating Limitations that have to be in the plane. I talked to several owners that had bought the planes that had no idea what was required. So don't trust what they tell you. You look it up in the FAR's. You know what you have to have to be legal. And if your not quite sure don't hesitate and get a pre-purchase inspection done by a shop that has not worked on the plane.

I found mine from a post on this forum. So some planes never make it to the Barnstormers and such. Ask any local owners if they know of any aircraft for sale. There just may be one for sale that is not advertised. Don't pay a lot of attention to the asking prices. You determine what is worth to you and that is what you pay. If the owner will not sale it for that then you negotiate, but don't let your emotions get the best of you. There will always be another one.

If I can help you in any way in your search let me know.

Larry - I have a tentative agreement on a -6. Could I contact you privately to get some insight on how you completed your purchase? I will PM you my email.
