
Well Known Member
So my sister is moving from Jefferson up to Kenner. Looking at the chart the new house is roughly equal distance to Lakefront to the East and St John the Baptist Parrish to the West. Any preference for one over the other? The first thing that pops out to me is the drive from Lakefront might be tougher at times.
Recent thread on this exact topic and last time I checked, Lakefront was the favorite by a longshot.
Recent thread on this exact topic and last time I checked, Lakefront was the favorite by a longshot.

Thanks, but my question is not exactly the same. The OP in that thread was going to the Quarter in which case NEW is really the only practical option. I'm going to Kenner which puts 1L0 in play as well as both airports are roughly equidistant to my destination.
1L0 vs NEW

Todd, I've flown into NEW several times and driven to 1L0. You're right about the drive. You can take US 61 easily from Reserve to Kenner. The drive from NEW is not bad most of the time, but can be a little intimidating and slow during peak drive times.

1L0 is a typical small town (friendly) airport with low fuel prices. NEW is a busier (towered), but cool airport on a little "made land" peninsula in Lake Ponchartrain. The terminal building is historic and interesting. If it's hazy, you might want to favor 1L0. I'd check out both if you get the chance.

Bottom line: cheaper and a little less stressful going into Reserve, more fun and interesting stopping at NEW.

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I'd go with Reserve, its a much more pleasant drive than to Lakefront (even with no traffic). Lakefront has an ILS but other than that, I don't see an advantage.
Guys thanks for the feedback. Looks like all things being equal I'll let my sis decide which airport she'd prefer to come pick us up at. If there had been some compelling reason from an aviation standpoint to pick one over the other I'd do it, but it sounds pretty much like a coin toss as far as my side of the travel equation is concerned.