Mark Dickens

Well Known Member
I just joined the forum and thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Mark Dickens and I live in Collierville, TN. I've been working on an RV-8 kit since 1999. Well, I worked on it seriously from the end of '99 through August '02, when I lost my job, had to move, and start up my own company. Those of you running your own companies know it takes all of your time and money, so the project has just been sitting for almost ten years, while I was busy building the business.

Well, I've been blessed to have my company succeed and now I have time to think about the project again. I bought the slow build kit and am more or less at the beginning of the finishing kit, although there are a few things left over from each kit before (90% done only 90% left to do!).

I look forward to being a part of the forum and discussions in the future, and of course getting this thing done before another ten years elapses!
Congrats!! Glad you kept the project, and are back at it! Make sure to post lots of photos of your progress.
Welcome Mark

Glad to hear you are progressing foreword on the project Mark! I too am a 10+ year RV-8 builder. Just received my airworthiness certificate last week from the local DAR and next up is to actually put gas in the, what an incredibly long and drawn out process this really is. I Look foreword to seeing your progress toward the finish line.