
I'm New Here
Hello, I am the new proud owner of an RV 4, originally bought around 1986, more parts added in 1998. I'm still sorting all that out. SN 552.
All of the control surfaces/Empennage are built. The fusilage is on wheels but uncompleted. The wings have not been started. I will not be able to really start on it for some months.
The parts built thus far were not interior-primed or finished/protected in any way. I do not live on a salt-water coast. Do I need to worry about this, and if so, is there anything I can do about it?
My impression is that it's ok: in the absence of dissimilar metals or a particularly corrosive environment, I think of aluminum corrosion as self-limiting to a large degree. However, that is coming from a building construction point of view, not an airplane point of view.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
LOTS of opinions about priming...or not. Have a look around the website and/or do a search (top ribbon). Most of the opinions about not primering cite the 50-75 year old Cessnas/Pipers that were never primered and still have minimal corrosion. Most of the 'must primer' opinions lead one to believe they're building the plane to last 100 years:D. In my case I primered with epoxy, but I was starting with a slow build kit and I live near the coast.
Yeah, I found the many threads on priming right after I posted. I've been reading them for an hour. I'd say the finished parts will remain as they were, unprimed. I'm undecided about the wings. I think I might paint the interior of the fusilage, at least where the humans go, just to make cleaning the Cheetos out of the crevices easier.