Ex Bonanza Bucko

Well Known Member
I saw that there is a new Aeroshell Sport 4 Plus oil for Rotax engines. It is in a new color can....Orange or yellow I think. I wonder if there is much difference from the old oil and if there is any reason not to use up the old supply I have on hand before switching.

Aeroshell recently redesigned the packaging of all of it's oil products, so it may just be new packaging. I have not heard about any formulation change.
Rotax had previously and specifically recommended the earlier formulation. Wait and read their new instruction when it comes out. I intend to use up my supply of the current formula. The new instruction may mention that.
Shell claims it is new and developed with Rotax...


Press release dated just over a week ago.

I hadn't seen that yet.

Considering that Rotax just recently update the approved fluids Service Instruction by removing all previously recommended oils from the list except for Sport Plus 4, I hope it is because they truly consider it superior to all other choices vs some other reason (use your imagination).
Rotax do acknowledge the new AeroShell Sport Plus 4 formulation in their SI-912-016 Revision 8 'Selection of Suitable Operating Fluids' (16 April 2015):

SI-912-016 Rev 8 - Page 3

The SI does say that the original formula can be used if in date (it's hardly likely to go off that quickly....).

The new stuff is in a red bottle now.
Rotax do acknowledge the new AeroShell Sport Plus 4 formulation in their SI-912-016 Revision 8 'Selection of Suitable Operating Fluids' (16 April 2015):

They have acknowledged the Sport Plus 4 in SI-912-016 for quite a while (2 or 3 years at least).
My point was, that now it is the only oil they list. There used to be many others on the recommended list.
Yep, new oil

Phil Lockwood gave a seminar on the 912 at Sun n Fun. New oil in Red bottle has more of the ingredient that lubricates between valve lifter and cam ie metal to metal. Current oil has this ingredient and apparently more is good. Hope Phil posts his slides on their web site. Very interesting info on early oil used in the 912 and Lockwoods participation will Shell to come up with a special oil developed specifically for the 912. These are my recollections but you need to do your own due diligence to verify.

Bob Kibby N712BK
Shell has been developing the new oil for almost 4 years. They worked in conjunction with a couple of flight schools to get a fast accumulation of high time engine use. They went through a few base stock test and changed the additive package. The new formula is where all this testing culminated.
The new box is white and the new oil container is red. They are now catching up with deliveries that were on back order due to the production change over. Unfortunately it does cost a tad more.
The Oil Store on the web has been the best place to purchase it.
This discussion is all over the web. If you have a few liters of the old oil it is just fine to finish it up. They didn't get very detailed unfortunately in the SI trying to simplify some things, but I think they just confused many people.

My post was merely pointing out that the latest issue of the SI does mention the new formula AeroShell Sport Plus 4, as other posters hadn't seen an official acknowledgement by Rotax of the new mix.

I wasn't actually commenting on your posts. Nothing personal! ;)
I ordered a case from Aircraft Spruce over a month ago, but it has been back ordered. They say it will be in on the 19th of this month. Have others had difficulty finding it in stock?