Flying home today i noticed somthing new and havent a clue what to check
The best way to describe it is it sounds like a multi with the engines out of sync
the frequency of the noise changes with airspeed, MP, and RPM and isnt noticable in cruise
i have a 0-360 a1a with a CS hartz
any clues?
Something stuck in an air vent? Prop governor? Are the RPMs fluctuating a bit? I had a strange noise develop in a rental Skyhawk a few years back and it was some duct tape that was buzzing in the air vent. Pretty wild sounding when the air is going past it 120mph.

Our 6A developed a buzz when it had around 50 hours on it and only started after we'd levelled off. My buddy pushed on the rear of the canopy and it quit. After adding some thin foam strip around the forward edge of the fuselage, it quit.
if those sounds are comin from the engine then you should notice a difference in performance. there are always the simple things like a dead battery in your noise canceling headphones. ive also had noise around my canopy depending on different factors[pressure speed etc]
Hslightnin said:
Flying home today i noticed somthing new and havent a clue what to check
The best way to describe it is it sounds like a multi with the engines out of sync
the frequency of the noise changes with airspeed, MP, and RPM and isnt noticable in cruise
i have a 0-360 a1a with a CS hartz
any clues?

I have had 'strange buzzing sounds' when a screw on the canopy backed out a little. I was pretty surprised that a screw could do that, but resonance can do amazing things...
It could be many things, but it is always a good idea to remove the upper and lower cowls and give everything a really good inspection.

My RV-4 was sounding kind of raspy throated the last 10 hours or so, but no real perfomance loss to speak of.. Long story short.. when changing the oil for the upcoming OSH trip, I notice a huge crack and small hole in the #1 exhaust stack/pipe of our exhaust.

Needless to say, we just finished replacing it with a new vetterman X-over exhaust.

Hope you find out what your issue is soon.
ok thanks for the replies you all
I was hoping this was a tell tell sign of somthing but i guess i need to go look at the plane real close
ill post my finds
When I get going really fast, up around redline, I get a vibration from the rear canopy skirt.
it was a resonance noise
today I went and took off the cowl and found the #3 exhuast cracked below the weld on the flange. tomarrow ill go and see if a friend can fix it for me.
thanks for the replies
Hslightnin said:
it was a resonance noise
today I went and took off the cowl and found the #3 exhuast cracked below the weld on the flange. tomarrow ill go and see if a friend can fix it for me.
thanks for the replies
I had an exhaust gasket blow on my 182 in IMC during an approach last year. I noticed the changed noise, and saw temperatures changing on the JPI for #1 and #3. It was a tense few moments for me while I dinked with the mixture and throttle to reduce power and stop the temps from climbing. My wife never noticed a thing (whew!)

Spent a nice evening and morning in Norfolk (pronounced NorFork - the original name of the city, but forever misspelled Norfolk due to a fed gov snafu.) Great service from the shop there at KOFK.

Glad you found the problem. Hopefully it gets safely resolved to your satisfaction.
Well i got the crack welded on the pipe and reinstalled it with a test flight.
Noise still happins, so i changed the exhuast gaskets.
another test flight and its still there.
Ive searched up and down and dont see anything abnormal.
Maybe im dwelling on somthing that is normal that i just never noticed.
any other clues i should look for?