mike newall

Well Known Member
I am surprised you chaps and chapesses didn't pick up on this titbit that came out from Vans yesterday........

"As we focus on the design for the next RV model, our factory has been working hard to introduce new and updated technologies that are enabling us to do even more in the future. The availability of new technology for both rapid prototyping and creation of production parts means we can try new things and deliver sooner".
I did notice

I did notice that and I was really hoping someone might have some info. I plan to make a decision soon on what to build, but if Van's put out a 6-place, I wouldn't have to make a decision. They would have made it for me.
Yeah, saw it. I just wanted more info on the new model.

Maybe a Christmas present from Van?s?

I dislike teasers like that. I'm going to firmly refuse to order one until it's released.