
Well Known Member
Hello all,

I have been reading this forum off and on for quite a while. Finally taking steps to move forward.

Private Pilot License- 27 hours in. Soloed last week.
Reading this forum daily - in progress
Vans Aircraft Tour - completed today
Talking wife into why building a RV is good idea - in progress

At least I'm working on my checklist. Any suggestions on item four let me know.

Pictures from tour

Nice to have you here Tim! Get basic tools and buy a tail. Ask here if you are not sure which one. Build the empennage while still in training. It will give you a great muscle and brain workout. You are on a right track to the permanent grin :D
Welcome aboard, Tim.
You two live about 20 minutes from Northwest Regional Airport 52F, one of the nation's most densely populated RV roosts. Bring your bride out to the Blue Hangar Cafe any Saturday to meet RVers and get a taste of the community. Monica and Blake are a great spokes-couple.
Give me 11 more hours to finish my -7A's Phase 1 fly-off and I'll take you up for a demo.
Thanks everyone. And I am out at 52F a lot for my lessons, so will look for you guys. I see a lot of RVs out there - they all look pretty fast compared to the Cherokee I'm learning in.

Thanks again.
I'm reading this in a friend's beach house on the Oregon coast; why my wife likes the RV; trip to coast, 25 minutes, or fight holiday auto traffic, 3 hours. Trip to see her mother in Montana, 14 hours by car, that's not going to happen but every two years, fly an RV, 3 hours, sure I will even go (read fly) more than once a year! Visit daughter in Cashmere WA, 5.5 ground bound hours or 55 minutes by air and land a few blocks from her house.
So start thinking about family and friends that you will visit (or get away spots, events or camping) because now you can on a two day weekend.
For us pilots the trip is the adventure but for many passenger types it is the destination, But the RV makes it possible for both!
in addition to Bruce's post above...

Short RV story! Sitting with my girlfriend late one evening at my house in Foley, Alabama she said to me, "I'd like to go see my sister tomorrow." Her sis lives in Panama City Beach, Florida. It's a 3 hour trip ONE WAY by car. Of course I smilingly agreed to drive her, (I could not stay due to work and her car wasn't here for her to drive). Inside I was kicking and screaming...:mad::mad::mad: cause I didn't want to spend a day driving 6 hours! Wheels turned and I quietly checked the forecast for early morning... GREAT. Next morning we flew along the coast with flight following. Landed 35 minutes after takeoff. I said my hellos and good byes and quickly departed for the return flight. I was back on the ground at home in about an hour plus 15! These RV's are the best cross county machines on the planet. Mine does exactly what Vans said it would and I have a 160 hp with fixed pitch prop pulling my 7A.

Tim, welcome to the club. Guys like you are why I continue to pay my dues. I could not have built mine with out the assistance of the many wonderfully helpful members here on VAF!
I have a son (wife and 3 grandkids) that lives 6 hours by car and involves driving around Ft Worth and N Dallas so that trip can be miserable and unpredictable because of traffic! When I brought up the subject of building an RV to my wife, my main selling point was cutting this 6 hours down to less than 2 hours in a RV! Plus, the short field performance enables me to land on my farm and operate out of my hanger/barn 20 steps from my back door. Bonus, RV7 25' wingspan takes so much less room in the hanger than a big ole Cessna! Livin the dream for me is, suddenly deciding to go somewhere, lock the house, throw a bag into the RV, and blast off!.....I started coming to this site over three years ago and now I have 10 more hours of phase 1 to go then the wife and I are gonna go see them grandkids!:D
Tim you are on the same track....the exact I am. I bought a Cherokee and have 27.1 hours towards my private ticket. My plan is to pay the Cherokee off and sell it for the engine I'll put in my RV-7 that I'm planning to build. Welcome to the forum. A lot of good information here and if you don't understand anything...just ask.

Another Tim
Take a look at the best of the best forum

First one is good,... And probably closest to applicable,... Some others there are not bad either

Get to know some folks out at 52F

Good luck on the journey,....

Just did my 40th hour of training. Working on VOR and flying w hood. Only looking at instruments is really weird experience. I can see how people get disoriented in real clouds or fog. Lots more practice and training for me.

Dreaming of my eventual plane. Hope to find some folks to partner with for a RV9a or maybe RV10. Maybe the 14 though or the 12 for the lower cost. Hard to decide but I have about a year to speculate and change my mind.

Already planning to take my wife to Oshkosh next year. She is slowly warming up to the idea of flying and getting a plane. Several 7 hour car trips lately are helping.

Thanks for all the encouragement. This is a great site.