
Well Known Member
Time for some good news finally! To those of you who call/email or deal with us very often probably have spoken to Jed here at our shop (General Manager).

Jed and his wife Beth had the joy of welcoming a new baby girl to the world last night (their first)...Sydney. She and mom are healthy and everyone is excited. She's a true midwestern baby - being over 11lbs and 22" long! :D

If you know Jed, please take a moment to congratulate him here...he's obviously out of the shop for a few days (so if you try to call the phones may be busy), but I'll have him read this thread!

Also, another good friend to SteinAir - Peter Fruehling and his wife Beth (no relation to Jed's wife Beth) had their first new baby girl Teagan yesterday as well.

Lots of good news to lift everyones spirits!

Congrats to both sets of happy parents!

Yeah, that kid's definitely in the Bubba category. Guess that means an -8 instead of a -4 ... :D
That's great news. Just think, in four years she will be ready to help Stein with his condition inspection!

Congrats to all.

Congrats to all four parents and two babies.
Special Hello to Jed from France, a very nice guy to work with.
Congratulations Jed and Beth! A day you will never forget.

All the best to you.
David and Mary Maib
Congrats as well

Congrats as well to both sets of parents as well. A happy time indeed.
We need more babies........more pilots!!
Glad all is well.
Congrats to all, us old guys need replacements! I guess you have already named yourself Godfather Stein....

Larry pic

See Below!

Way to go

Fantastic news! Congratulations Jed and Beth. Take lots of pictures, they grow up fast.

Paul Danclovic
Jamestown NC
RV-8A N181SB
New Addition!

Congrats Jed,
Looks like the dogs lose their place on the priority list. Next time I visit the shop I'll bring jerky and baby food. Lynn :)