
I'm New Here
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right section, and if not, I apologize. When deciding on which kitplane to build, the choices were narrowed down to the RV-6 and the Mustang II. I ended up going with the Mustang, mostly because it was more affordable, but I'm very impressed with the RV series of aircraft, and may decide to build an RV-10 a few years down the road.

Anyway, I was hoping someone out there could help me out. I'm looking at building a device to make drilling skin holes quicker and easier. If someone could let me know the rivet spacing on the RV's skins, I'd really appreciate it. Also, would there be a market for a device that would make drilling skins easier, quicker, and guarantee straight lines? Thanks.

There is

Hi Ian,
Avery sells a fan spacer to equally space rivets. Here: http://www.averytools.com/cart/p-268-mini-fan-spacer.aspx

BTW. Our -6A has 1 1/4" rivet space on the skin to rib attach. The skin to spar is around 1" at the outboard end and gets down to 3/4" near the center of the airplane. Don't your plans show rivet spacing? Just because our spacing is a certain measure, don't assume that you should also use it. Your skin thickness/rib thickness may be different from ours.

Also, which skin results in different spacing. Wing skin, fuselage skin, flap skin ... If your plans don't give details such as rivet spacing, I'd reconsider building the plane. The intent is to build a proven design. Rivet spacing is an engineering exercise.
Thanks for the quick replies. I guess I should have explained myself a bit clearer. My plans spec the rivet spacing for my application, but I was wondering about the RV's because I have an idea for a new tool that would make the process quicker and easier. Instead of drilling one hole at a time, you'd be able to drill multiple holes at the same time, and achieve perfect spacing and straight lines (some homebuilts I've looked at don't have a straight rivet line on them).

We already have a tool to take care of that problem, or I should say Van's does. All of the skins (and ribs) are prepunched now. The holes are perfectly straight and perfectly spaced for us.

There are still some RV-3 and RV-4 builders out there without prepunched kits, but not too many. They many even have prepunched wing skins.
Ramtuff said:
Instead of drilling one hole at a time, you'd be able to drill multiple holes at the same time, and achieve perfect spacing and straight lines


RV-7, 8, 9 and 10 kits are pre-punched, so the holes are already pre-drilled in a perfectly straight line.
That's cool. Thanks for your time and assistance anyway. If you guys don't mind a Mustang guy in your midsts, I'd like to hang around the forum...I've been lurking here the past few weeks, and have learned a great deal so far.
Ramtuff said:
That's cool. Thanks for your time and assistance anyway. If you guys don't mind a Mustang guy in your midsts, I'd like to hang around the forum...I've been lurking here the past few weeks, and have learned a great deal so far.

Your welcome as long as you don't try to sell us on Mustangs ;). We have several fast-glass guys hanging around but they "pay their dues" by educating us on how to work on fiberglass components. There is a risk though, spend too much time here and we will see a classified add someplace saying "Mustang II project for sale" just about the time Van's recieves another order!

Ramtuff said:
If someone could let me know the rivet spacing on the RV's skins, I'd really appreciate it.

If your looking for rivet spacing then there is a bunch more info you will need to achieve success on your project.

Might I suggest you pick up a copy of my favorite shop & bathroom book.
It's the FAA AC 43.13, chg 1, acceptable techinques, methods and practices.

I covers from spinner to tail the in's and outs of working on airplanes.
lol. Nah, I won't be putting the Mustang up for sale, but when it's done it probably won't be too hard to talk me into building an RV-3 or RV-10.