
I joined the force a few months ago and figured it was time to introduce myself to the membership. My name is Harry Maroney and I am a retired commercial pilot, ex-military (C-141), and have experience as a first officer in several business jets. I am an aviation enthusiast and have owned several certified aircraft, most recently, a BE76 (Duchess).

I met Vlad, perhaps the most prolific flier at N51 where he keeps his RV 9A.
He is a great Van's enthusiast, flier, and goodwill ambassador and introduced me to the Van's experimental world. I no longer have my Duchess and have been reading up on all of the Van's models to learn of their different attributes. I like them all!

I have never built an aircraft but enjoy and appreciate the cooperative spirit and dedication displayed by the members. I've learned a lot in the short time I've been a member and plan to purchase an RV in the near future.
Welcome aboard! I?m just over a year into my -8 build and have been enjoying every minute of the experience. This web site is a fantastic source of information as is the EAA. Couldn?t live without either one of them. I highly recommend taking some of the sport air workshops that EAA offers. I did the sheet metal boot camp before I started and just recently completed their electrical class. Both excellent.

I am also a retired military pilot (KC-135 A/E/R) and joined VAF 3 years ago. It?s a great resource for everything RV. The experimental aircraft world is a very helpful community and RVs are great little aircraft. Being a lazy senior citizen I bought my RV from a builder. I think that?s a good way to go because it?s usually less expensive than actually building one. I have a nice RV7A but dream about a 14.

Welcome and good luck.
Welcome to VAF

Welcome to the Vans community. Its a big fraternity that's very welcoming. If you are an Oshkosh groupy you will see a big VAF showing there.

Cant say no such thing as a stupid question, but can say that no question, no matter how stupid is welcomed. I've asked my fair share.
Harry glad to see you here Captain! That was a good run to Martha's Vineyard the other day. Thanks for lunch and gas! You fit right there an RV would be a perfect plane for you. They fly themselves they auto land buy one asap don't build life is short. Which one? Ask here... :D




Welcome aboard! I am another AF retiree. I also purchased a flying RV. I honestly don't think Van's make a bad one, so just pick one that suits your fancy, and start flying! If you and Vlad ever get out to Colorado drop me a line, we will go flying.

