Hello All,

Just wanted to say hi from Louisiana. I currently fly a Bonanza but have been dreaming of building an RV7 or RV14 for a while now. If there is anyone in the Southwest Louisiana area that is currently building, I would love the chance to come by and see their project and see some of their techniques. Blue skies to all!!!!

Hi, Ryan

I am building a rv 8 in lake Charles, if interested to see let me know.
Oh, and welcome to vaf!!..

Hey I just beat u know who to the welcome!!!! Wow

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Three of us in BR

Three of us are building/built RV-9A's in Baton Rouge..... I just started mine.
Hey Y'all

Ryan: We crossed paths last week in the fbo at ARA. I'm rebuilding a RV 9 at home in New Iberia. Contact me some time and I'll show you what I've got.

Don Broussard
RV9 Rebuild in Progress
Engine is done
Thanks everyone for the replies.

Don, I will contact you in the near future and would love to come check out your rebuild some time.
