Siberian RV-10

I'm New Here
Hello Dear members and guests of this Forum.
My name is Sergey Vegelin and I am a happy owner of RV-10 Empennage Kit. I am a little worried and very much excited. I am worried because it's my first participation in foreing discussion and I may not be well-understood. My English is slowly improving but I have two sons students in Linguistics and one VAF member to proofread me.

I hope my presence on VAF will be interesting and learning experience.
I have so many questions to ask. I have some entertaining pictures to post. I just have to figure out how to do it.

From Russia with love and respect,
Sergey Vegelin
RV-10 Kit #40769
Let me be the first to welcome you, Sergey! I'm looking forward to hear of your RV-10 building progress.

Best always,

Hello Dear members and guests of this Forum.
My name is Sergey Vegelin and I am a happy owner of RV-10 Empennage Kit. I am a little worried and very much excited. I am worried because it's my first participation in foreing discussion and I may not be well-understood. My English is slowly improving but I have two sons students in Linguistics and one VAF member to proofread me.

I hope my presence on VAF will be interesting and learning experience.
I have so many questions to ask. I have some entertaining pictures to post. I just have to figure out how to do it.

From Russia with love and respect,
Sergey Vegelin
RV-10 Kit #40769
Welcome Sergey,

This comes from Sharpsburg, Georgia, USA.
I wish you great success on your RV-10. Your english is very good and I am looking forward to reading your posts and seeing the pictures.

Paul LeDoux
RV-8 slow quickbuild
Welcome Sergey.... this colorful International forum! We have guys/gals from all around the big, happy family. You'll learn English just by reading this every day.

Добро пожаловать

Добро пожаловать Брат! Это будет нелегко, но это будет весело!​

I am too am building a RV-10. I will try to send you some information that has helped me.

I use google translate to help me with my Finnish friends maybe it will help you as well!



Now that, is a long way from Texas!
Welcome to the forms. I am glad you are here. Looking forward to your progress
Welcome Sergey!

Feel free to ask questions, answer questions and tell a story or two! ...looking forward to seeing some pics of your 10 as you progress!

- Peter
Я действительно не пить больше, но не говорите никому!
Your English is better than my Russian! The only Russian word I know is vodka. :D


I also know that "nyet" (нет in cyrillic) means "no", but I would never use that in a sentence preceeding the word "vodka".:D

Welcome Sergey!
Welcome Sergey!

You give us all the chance to learn something.

Best of luck with your -10!

Don't worry about your English. If these people can understand my posts, they will certainly understand yours!
Dear Friends,
It feels great reading your welcoming posts! Thank you everyone!
Thank you for accepting me to RV builders' brotherhood.
Sergey Vegelin
RV-10 Kit #40769
Welcome Sergey!

Looking forward to RV stories from Siberia!

And now, when our Minnesota brothers and sisters talk about the cold winters, you can chuckle and say, "that's not cold!" :)

(in rapidly warming Reno, Nevada)
And now, when our Minnesota brothers and sisters talk about the cold winters, you can chuckle and say, "that's not cold!" :)

When my organization started working heavily with our Russian Colleagues, I was always the one that got sent to Moscow in the winter - they figured that growing up in Minnesota had adapted me properly....actually, Moscow was WARMER than Minnesota most of the time. Not sure about Siberia though.

Welcome aboard Sergey!

Paul (just back rom Reno - and yes, it was beautiful Bob)
When my organization started working heavily with our Russian Colleagues, I was always the one that got sent to Moscow in the winter - they figured that growing up in Minnesota had adapted me properly....actually, Moscow was WARMER than Minnesota most of the time. Not sure about Siberia though.

Welcome aboard Sergey!

Paul (just back rom Reno - and yes, it was beautiful Bob)

All tongue-in-cheek of course...seeing if I could get a rise out of Pete and the boys up north...didn't realize you were a hardy soul from the Great White North too, Paul! Not sure about the comparitive temps either, but pre-heat is probably required in all! :)

Glad your trip to Mammoth was a good one, and looking forward to building/flying stories from Sergey!

Thanks for greetings Paul and Bob!

Paul, unfortunately I have never been in Minnesota and I do not know how cold their winters are. But I can tell you that here in Siberia we have couple of weeks -40 degrees Fahrenheit! But our "regular" temperature
during winter is -4 -13 degrees Fahrenheit.
So Welcome to Siberia!

Sergey Vegelin

Welcome Sergey.
You will find the most helpful and finest people in the world on this wonderful website.
I wish you great success with your build.

Jeff Moreau