Nothing was finalized and I think there was some debate where that specific weight number came from. Basically it sounds like FAA is open to discussing a change in LSA rules (including increased weight) but nothing is guaranteed.

A quick search for LSA will provide a number of other threads on this topic. Opinion is "don't hold your breath at this point"
We don't have the concept of LSA here in Canada, so please correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't the other performance requirements still apply (max speed, stall speed, etc?) I think that would rule out all of the other RV models (although maybe you could wave your hands around and distract the FAA from the RV-9 :D )
Jack gave a talk at one of our meetings before that one that made the news. There were other limitations include a top speed of 150 (I don't remember if that was knots or mph) & 6 seats.

Hat off to the EAA for what they're doing for aviation. That's a huge change from the past.
