
Well Known Member
I would like to give a shout out for Don Pansier and his new line of low cost - high value COM antennas for use with Experimental aircraft.

Don is an RV builder that is well on his way to completing his bird.

Don's website can be found here....


I recently had the opportunity to replace my existing antenna's with a couple of these bent whip models. I previously had these installed but ended up not liking the look of those at all. To weird for an RV....(bought em cheap off Ebay)

Anyway, the performance of Don's antennas has been excellent. I have found no issues whatsoever in moving to his units. They were packaged well, easy to install and look great under my RV7. The quality of the units is great. The base is low profile for low drag.

I am not affiliated with Don other than the relationship we have from me testing his antennas. He seems like a real honest stand up guy that enjoys what he does.

Very happy with his COM antenna product!

Give Don a call...he also makes other kinds of antennas!!!
Transponder antenna

I received my Transponder antenna and was hoping he would make a VHF antenna. Beautiful finish, they look like they should cost $100 more.
Glad to hear that performance is equally excellent!
Well, I better order one before the price goes up.
Just wanted to follow up on well Don's antennas are holding up/performing after a few months of using em....

They are holding up really well. No sign of cracks or anthing of that nature around the bases. The elements seem to run smooth and do not vibrate or bounce around at RV speeds....

The performance is as good as I could ask for. Been on several CC trips with em and have never noticed an issue or had a complaint from people I communicate with.

I picked up the AWOS at KMOR with my handheld SP200 connected to one of them 50nm away @ ~ 4000ft AGL.

Thanks Brantel for the tip on these antennas. And thanks Don for making a great product.

Ordered my comm antenna on Monday and it arrived today, great turnaround.

What a well built antenna. bang for the buck is right.

Now if I can just get Don to build a Nav antenna!!
Thanks Brantel for the tip on these antennas. And thanks Don for making a great product.

Now if I can just get Don to build a Nav antenna!!

I'll second the motion.

Bought and installed two of Don's Comm antennas. They look great, and I can't wait to use them, and I'm holding out for a NAV antenna.
Installed Don's Transponder antenna

Don's transponder antenna is installed - looks like ADS-B may next in the future . . .